Refund check?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fingrrrl, Oct 20, 2001.

  1. fingrrrl

    fingrrrl Well-Known Member

    I was reading about two weeks ago and saw that Bush was seriously thinking of issuing more refund checks to those who did not initially qualify...including moi. But now of course the hint was dropped but I haven't seen or heard anything about it since. Has anyone else? I know $300 would come in handy for me...especially since I just financed a new Gateway three days ago. Anyone?
  2. amaineman

    amaineman Well-Known Member

    I think it was just a passing thought.

    It makes me wonder why it was not done right in the first place ... Were working people with no Federal tax liability not considered taxpayers.

    They still had payroll taxes, sales tax, property tax, ect.

    Taxpayers, those who contributed in all forms of withholdings should have shared in the short term rewards.

    Especially if they are going to continue to spend our social security withholdings on general fund items.

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