Hello all, It's been a while since I was here but I think have a problem. I got a letter from a CA, AFNI today saying I owe $394.38 for an account with "Charter Communications". From what I understand from reading here, AFNI is a bottom feeder CA that has a lot of erroneous information and they try to coerce people to pay on accounts they never had to begin with. I think Charter Communicatiions might be a cell phone company, but I've never heard of them and I know there is no such cell service provider here in Florida where I live. I have never had any account with Charter Communications. Never even heard of them before. I've worked hard to repair my credit because of some trouble I had 10 years ago and I pay my bills on time, every month. My credit is good now and I will not allow AFNI to ruin it. Who is AFNI? What can/should I do about this stupid letter they sent me? Is this going to be a nightmare to fix? Does anyone know or have any idea? I found the name & phone # for the VP of credit & collections at AFNI here. Should I go to the trouble of calling him or is this just another BF CA doing what they do best? Any help is greatly appreciated... James
Don't call, write... Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested... Demand that they provide validation (and if you don't want them calling you; tell them that it is inconvenient for them to call you).
Thanks for the help. I just checked my CRs online, no inquiry or TL is there from AFNI. What happens if I do nothing about this collection letter they sent me? If I send DV to them am I opening up Pandora's Box with AFNI? Is it really worth the trouble or is this something I should really pay any attention to? I'd rather not have to go through any of the AFNI BS if I don't have to. Thanks, James
I know that Charter Communications in my area is a cable tv provider and in some cities provides internet cable. I had a problem with AFNI too, but it was a paid account. It's still on my reports but is marked paid. They are a pita to deal with. I wish you good luck. Tegleg
See this thread, as it has links to other reports of what they appear to be up to: http://consumers.creditnet.com/Discussions/credit-talk/t-dealing-with-afni-inc-65267.html Most of the recent batch of dunning letters have been on old accounts, from the mid-1990s, largely GTE/Verizon, but also ATT, and Charter are mentioned. Most of the complaints (several hundred since the first of the year) have been from people who claim they never had any such account. They appear to be sending collection letters to anyone with a similar name, but evading properly responding to validation requests when people send them. In addition, even though they have made little attempt to accurately send their letters to the correct person, they have none the less demanded that the contacted consumers either have to pay them, or must file police reports claiming fraud and send a bunch of id documentation and proof of past addresses, when they have not even provided any written validation from the original creditor, on accounts long past SOL, probably misidentified, and not reportable. I have been tracking their BBB report complaint rates, and it appears that since the beginning of the year their BBB complaints have soared to levels that with other CAs have attracting regulatory action. Illinois BBB is practically becoming part of their compliance department, on average closing several complaints against them every day. They have been reported to back off and "close" account in response to BBB or Illinois AG complaints, while admitting no error on their part, and there are a number of Federal FDCPA suits that have been filed against them. Send a dispute and validation request letter, CRRR, timely (in less than 30 days of receiving their letter), to preserve your FDCPA rights. Do NOT call, as you will get nowhere on the phone, or they might even try to convince you that you have an obligation to pay debts you don't owe. Let us know what response you get.
Well, I have drafted my DV letter for AFNI. Going out CMRRR tomorrow. I can't wait to see what kind of ridiculous response I get from them. I have to wonder how they can legally do what they do and get away with it. And why doesn't the FTC or someone get involved and shut them down? I have a feeling I have been handed a can of worms that only opens from the inside... Will post any updates as I get them... Thanks for all of your help here. I do appreciate it. Jimmy
Since their level of visible consumer complaints (BBB, complaintsboard.com, and ripoffreport.com) has gone from a couple a month, to several per day, I can only assume that at least IL AG, and probably FTC are receiving similar levels of complaints. Maybe they just like feeling needed?
James, My husband (also James) received a letter from Afni around the same time you did, for the same company. It is a cable company and he never had service with them either. Unfortunately, this is not my first run in with Afni. I too have had to work hard to clean up my credit and when pulling my credit report last year to apply for our mortgage, these little buggers showed up. They are reporting on a cable bill also from Charter Communications that was paid almost 3 years ago now and have refused to accept my proof that it has been paid (I sent a canceled check copy for $129 but they say I still owe $40 - it was a final bill!). They responded to my request to validate the debt with a verification so I figured they knew they didn't have anything. With buying the house and going to school all summer/fall, I sort of forgot about it. Fast forward to last month. Their entry was still on my credit report when I pulled it. So I disputed it with the credit reporting agencies. They verified and updated after receiving notice from both Equifax and Experian. So I called both places to explain the situation. Equifax took down my information and then said that Afni had removed their entry right after they verified it. Experian was still showing the entry but asked me to send copies of all my stuff to them so they could further review it. I'm still waiting to see where that goes. The week after all that happened my HUSBAND gets a letter from them for a different account. I was absolutely steamed!!! And they said they were "making another attempt" to contact him regarding this debt. There wasn't ever a first attempt! And there wasn't anything about the whole 30 day thing. So I wrote up a letter for validation for his and sent along another letter of my own demanding that they remove their entries for mine since they never validated mine either. They signed for the letter on 3/28/07. I can bet you that I'll end up receiving a letter post marked 4/28/07 requesting more information including a copy of our driver's licenses. That's their standard line. Uh uh. Not gonna happen. I hate to say this but you're going to have to fight long and hard to get rid of these guys. Keep your eyes peeled though. I've heard grumblings of class action lawsuits.
Kweenie, I am sorry to know you & your husband are in the same boat with me and AFNI. I hope it all finally does work out for the both of you. I have a feeling that this AFNI thing may get ugly for all of us. I got back one of the 2 green cards from the DV letters I sent today, I expect the other one soon. I imagine their response will be less than favorable. Unfortunately for AFNI, if they do not drop this ridiculous process, I am completely prepared to take this to the highest level, even the Supreme Court if I have to. This is not my debt. I have never had any account with Charter Communications. I do not owe the debt. Plain and simple. From reading here I now know how AFNI works. Thanks to Ontrack and others here. If AFNI pursues this with me, I will pursue it with the Florida and Illinois AG's office, the Florida Dept. of Consumer Affairs, the BBB, FTC and any other government office that will help. AFNI had best leave me alone. I sure hope it turns out OK for you and everyone else AFNI tries to harrass into paying a debt they don't owe. James