Who are America's most dangerous teachers? There is a website on the internet whom I refrain from linking to that is building a list of America's most dangerous teachers. This is an interesting concept that does have some merit in my opinion because it can help steer people away from some of the worst scam artists. One of those who have made the list is a company called PDI. I have heard about PDI but don't know anything about them at all. Another is somebody called "Dr. Weatherly" and I don't know him either and yet another is John Gliha who is pretty famous all over the net. Who would you add to the list of America's most dangerous teachers and why?
How to spot a dangerous teacher. How can you spot a dangerous teacher? It isn't difficult. Their web sites and message boards will be filled with talk about court cases and how they apply to their junk legal theories. What they teach is how to turn a simple debt collection or IRS tax case into a Perry Mason TV show. But judges are not going to let you turn their courtrooms into Perry Mason shows. They will tell you that JDBs (junk debt buyers) have to prove their cases and they have to bring witnesses who have first hand knowledge about your debt from far away places to testify and how easy it is to make those witnesses into fools but what they don't tell you is that if you want make people come to testify you are probably going to have to foot the bill for their time, trip costs, hotel bills and all other expenses. It will be extremely expensive for you. If you have pinned all your hopes on the dangerous teachers wild theories you will suddenly find yourself with no defense at all, walking out the door with a judgment against you. Such teachers will seem to be experts to you and the answer to your prayers. Their ideas just seem to make good common sense. Avoid them. This stuff isn't rocket science. How to Get the Evidence You Need Cases are lost when one of the parties don't know how to get the evidence they need - admissible evidence - into the court's record. They did the legal research. They know the law that controls the case. And they "feel" the court simply must decide in their favor. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. That's not nearly enough. You must PROVE the facts you allege in your pleadings ... and that requires GETTING EVIDENCE into the court's record ... admissible evidence. So, the task is two-fold. First you must get the evidence that proves your case - then you must get it admitted into the record of the court. Only admissible evidence can be considered by the court in determining the outcome of your lawsuit. And, of course, if you don't have enough evidence, the other side will win, because in civil cases the winner is the one who presents the "greater weight of the evidence" (sometimes called the "preponderance of evidence"). You must understand that getting evidence is the major concern. Getting it and getting more of it than the other fellow! So, how do you get evidence? You have five (5) tools to get evidence. Five and only five. -- Requests for Admissions -- Requests for Production -- Interrogatories -- Depositions -- Subpoenas and other Court Process Moreover, in order to get all the evidence you need, you must use all five of your discovery tools ... because each discovery tool is designed to accomplish certain things the other tools cannot! If you don't know how to use your five tools and how to force the other side to give you the evidence they're trying to hide from you ... well, you don't have a chance! Use your five discovery tools properly, however, and you'll be able to get more evidence into the record than the other fellow ... and you'll win! Don't believe dangerous teachers on web sites, message boards or conference calls trying to peddle junk legal theories. If you follow their advice you will lose almost every time. The tools I have outlined above are the tools experienced attorney use to win, not long winded legal theories and Perry Mason tricks.
Ms Miller in court today 01/28/2007 Ms. Miller had asked for help from one of America's most dangerous teachers. What she learned was how to file a lot of nonsense with the court and so angered the Plaintiff's attorney that he was demanding she be sanctioned. He was also demanding that his arbitration award be confirmed into a judgment. Then she knew she was in deep, deep trouble and sought new help from a good teacher who taught her what she had done wrong and how to fix her problem. The Plaintiff's attorney needed a two wheeled dolly to haul all the junk she had filed and sent him into court to support his demand that she be heavily sanctioned. Much to his chagrin he didn't get her sanctioned and things went quite differently than he expected. The judge listened to Ms. Miller and then sternly told the lawyer to sit down and shut up. When Ms. Miller had finished her arguments the judge said he could not rule on the case today but would have to take it under advisement and study her arguments. He said he would have to seek a second opinion as well and that he would make his ruling in writing and send it to the parties. Judges often do that when the arguments are so complex that more careful consideration is deemed necessary but it has to be really good to go from being in great risk of getting heavily sanctioned to sending the judge off to study the case before he can make a ruling. It can often take a year or more for the judge to rule on the case if he ever does. Sometimes they just keep sitting on the case and never make a ruling. Here is the actual voice of Ms. Miller as she tells what happened in court today. http://www.cap1sucks.com/MSMILLER.mp3 The tape is about 6 minutes long. If this lady can do it so can you.
Dave Myrland -- Another dangerous teacher. Dave Myrland teaches the following and much more garbage. The above and many more insanities are taught by Dave Myrland. He has a so called "marketing director" named Michael Edwards who has a website named http://www.yourremedyisinthelaw.com Michael Edwards claims to be a minister but uses some very salty language and tells off color jokes regularly. His website is a rip-off of another person's website, graphics and all.
When you don't pay and file your taxes, and you give frivolous reasons for doing so, you can establish your own little country in the 6 foot square cell you get. Only problem is your country is landlocked, and the border guard is a pain in the ass. To pull off the legal maneuver the Founding Fathers did, you have to win. It helps to have the French government behind you.
Some never learn from their stay at the Iron Hotel. Irwin Schiff is probably a classic example. He has been in the clink 3 or 4 times for the same things. Many have fallen and I only know of one who actually won against the IRS and that was Vernice Kugland who was and maybe still is an airline pilot.
Actually, one of the reasons I find this site interesting is that it provides many examples of how people deceive both themselves and others. Search engines are a useful tool to find what they are really up to.
Lots of the scamsters are not locatable by search engine. Many don't even post on the internet but work strictly on conference calls. One such example is that of a woman named Carol Davis. She has conference calls almost every night and almost all day on Saturday. Her Saturday calls run from 10 A.M. until about 3:00 P.M. She has various con artists who peddle all kinds nutball ideas such as led light bars which possess magical healing powers and that one rubs all over the body. Another is healing by the power of magnets and many, many more. She also features another wierdo who calls herself "The Dove". The Dove has her legion of white knights who will cure all of America's political and financial ills. They are going to do the financial part by dismantling the Federal Reserve and put us back on the gold standard. They will soon confiscate all the worthless federal reserve notes and substitute their new currency backed by gold. They will force all merchants to cut their prices by two thirds and the federal reserve notes they confiscate from the citizenry will be replaced by notes with 3 times the value of the worthless fiat money we now have. This will all be made possible because The Dove knows where there are 3 million metric tons of solid gold hidden in underwater caves in the Phillipine Islands. The Japanese Army buried it there during the occupation back in WWII. Of course, the underwater caves are all heavily booby trapped with high explosives. It seems that there was an act of congress that was passed some years ago known as NESARA or National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act which would have put all this in place but congress refuses to fund the act so we have to fund it with donations to THE Dove who is in such bad financial straits right now that the poor thing even needs donations to help pay her electric bill and buy food. The Dove is actually a very intelligent person. If you have ever listened to one of her rare conference calls or spoken to her on the phone person to person you would instantly understand just how intelligent the woman really is. No Joke about that.
Freedom's cry litigators Freedom's cry litigators has an egroup and teaches lots of paytriot (mis-spelling intentional) nonsense such as the following. I hold a second mortgage on a property and the bank is forclosuring on the 1st (not my loan) I took back a second mortgage. (when I sold the building) Now the service of process came to my office yesterday to prefect service, when I saw my name spelled in ALL CAPS, I said that was not me, he said you been served, so I walk out and put the stack of papers on his windshield he got out yelling I AM A STATE CONSTABLE I said I don't care who you are ******* and don't come on my property (he said he calling the police) and did, I left and the manager under the police orders accepted service. Now you know the story this is what I want to do RTS. Return to sender. Saying that my name is Gary Ford not GARY FORD. Refuse for cause without dishonor. Return within three (3) days. Anything else I should do ? Any words of wisdom ? Gary Ford
The National Lawmen and Chuck Conces Chuck Conces calls his followers his posse. Here is a recent post he sent to his posse. Here in this message Chuck teaches that there is no law that says we have to pay taxes because Title 26 of the US Code was never passed into positive law. Title 26 not passed into positive law. Posted by: "concesposse@aol.com" concesposse@aol.com chuckconces Date: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:12 am ((PST)) Dear Posse Members: The government is required to show legal evidence of the law that they introduce into courts. Title 26 is not passed into positive law. It is only Prima Facie evidence of the law, Provided, however, That whenever titles of such Code shall have been enacted into positive law, the text thereof shall be legal evidence of the laws therein contained, in all the courts of the United States The whole law reads: â??The matter set forth in the edition of the Code of Laws of the United States current at any time shall, together with the then current supplement, if any, establish prima facie the laws of the United States, general and permanent in their nature, in force on the day preceding the commencement of the session following the last session the legislation of which is included: Provided, however, That whenever titles of such Code shall have been enacted into positive law, the text thereof shall be legal evidence of the laws therein contained, in all the courts of the United States, the several States, and the Territories and insular possessions of the United States.â? You may wish to send questions to the below mentioned address. Office of the Office of the <NOBR>Law About the Office and the United States Code The Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives prepares and publishes the United States Code pursuant to section 285b of title 2 of the Code. The Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. The Code does not include regulations issued by executive branch agencies, decisions of the Federal courts, treaties, or laws enacted by State or local governments. Regulations issued by executive branch agencies are available in the _Code of Federal Regulations_ http://ww w.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/cfr-table-search.html . Proposed and recently adopted regulations may be found in the _Federal Register_ http://www.gpoaccess.gov/fr/index.html . Certain titles of the Code have been enacted into positive law, and pursuant to section 204 of title 1 of the Code, the text of those titles is legal evidence of the law contained in those titles. The other titles of the Code are prima facie evidence of the laws contained in those titles. The following titles of the Code have been enacted into positive law: 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 46, and 49. Titles 1 through 42 are based on Supplement IV of the 2000 edition (January 3, 2005) of the Code. Titles 43 through 50, Tables I-VII and the Table of Popular Names are based on Supplement III of the 2000 edition (January 19, 2004) of the Code. The _Organic Laws_ http://uscode.house.gov/pdf/Organic Laws are based on the 2000 edition (January 2, 2001) of the Code. Each section of the Code database contains a date in the top-right corner indicating that laws enacted as of that date and affecting that section are included in the text of that section. When a search is made for a specific section of the Code, as opposed to a search for certain words appearing in the Code, the hit list will include an "Update" item listing any amendments not already reflected in the text of that section. The Classification Tables include Public Law 108-199 through Public Law 110-1, approved January 17, 2007. The tables show where recently enacted laws will appear in the Code and which sections of the Code have been amended by those laws. They provide a separate method of identifying any amendments to a section not already reflected in the text of that section. In Supplement IV of the 2000 edition, Section Referred to, Chapter Referred to, Subchapter Referred to, Part Referred to, Subpart Referred to, and Act Referred to notes and the Table of Internal References have been discontinued. While every effort has been made to ensure that the Code database on the web site is accurate, those using it for legal research should verify their results against the printed version of the United States Code _available through the Government Printing Office_ http://uscode.house.gov/about/uscaddr.htm . Please send your comments by e-mail to _usc@mail.house.gov_ (mailto:usc@mail.house.gov) or by using the form at _ http://www.house.gov/lrc/law_comments.html_ http://www.house.gov/lrc/law_comments.html . Go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/national_lawman http://groups.yahoo.com/group/national_lawman and join to get instant updates. I am not a lawyer. I do not give legal advice. We are America's Posse! All for the Greater Honor and Glory of God, Chuck Conces
No Drivers license? No insurance? No tags? An egroup called NO-DRIVERS-LICENSE advocates some really stupid stuff such as no drivers license, no insurance and no tags on your car. While many might like to dispense with their drivers license and not have to spend money for those license plates each year, driving without insurance is just about as stupid as it gets. Here is just one of the many posts this egroup gets every day. IMHO, "Junked" or "Void for Fraud" stamped across the Certificate of Title and sent back to the STATE should work. The new Bill of Sale from a private party "for twenty-one dollars worth of silver and other good and valuable consideration" is the new "Title" (minus "Certificate of") to your "consumer goods" (pursuant to the STATE's UCC). (see my previous posts on this subject for black-letter law) So as to avoid loss or destruction of the 'true and correct' Title (original) one can create their own ""Certificate of" Title" pursuant to RCW 9A.72.085--Unsworn statements, certification. <http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=9A.72.085> I post the frame number, minus the VIN part (OEM number), for identification purposes. Still working on applying for a determination hearing from DOL/DMV pursuant to RCW 34.05 (Adminstrative Procedures Act, codified). That way my frame number can be called in by the LEO to verify my status, thus avoiding physical contact and so he can go about his/her duty of "regulating the public easement."