Any help with Providian?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Erica, Jun 28, 2002.

  1. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    My friend needs your help. She has called Providian to tell them that her payment is going to be late by 1 week. They told her that they aren't going to waive the late fee. She's paying the minimum payment, and can't pay it this week. So, for her $43 minimum she gets assessed a $35 late fee. Should she try PFB to see what they can do for her? Any other suggestions?
  2. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    I have a suggestion. Can she borrow from Peter (i.e. Citibank) to pay Paul (i.e. Providian). Plan B: Can she borrow from someone then cash advance (if warranted) or Pay Pal them the money back???

    Just throwing out ideas.....
  3. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    She can't do that right now, She's only got room on Providian and her APR got jacked to 29.9% when they did the across the board rate hike. So even if that was a possibility, I would not let her do that anyways.

    Any more suggestions, MP?
  4. thecatslai

    thecatslai Well-Known Member

    Why can't she cash advance the pmt from Prov now and pay it? Then send the additional payment next week like she planned It wouldn't cost her and it would save her $35.

  5. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    That was going ot be my suggestion too but I'm assuming she's at her limit.

    My plan B might not work because once she makes a (lets say) $100 payment, she'll only have (lets say) $60 available to bounce back.


    1. What is her minimum?
    2. Does she have ANY money at all (even if it's for other stuff like bills, food, etc.)??? Maybe she can go ahead and make the payment, then use her card to pay for what she was going to originally spend the money on (i.e. pay her electric bill using the card instead of paying by cash)???

    She better try to just borrow the money from someone and pay them back. Tell her that whatever she does...don't pay late...PERIOD! Providian has been doing some weird stuff lately (i.e. you make payment arrangements and they STILL charge you the late fee, etc.). I'd had to see her get screwed but it sounds like she's already getting screwed! :-(
  6. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Thanks, MP. She and I are going to sit down tonight and figure out where she can scrimp and put towards the Providian. She just got approved for a Household card, and I'm hoping that she can BT from Providian, but we'll see.

    I and she appreciate your help, and I'll be bookmarking this site on her computer tonight. LOL

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