BBB complaint vs Applied Card Bank worked!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Trying2Fix, Aug 19, 2006.

  1. Trying2Fix

    Trying2Fix Well-Known Member

    I am very excited to report that my BBB complaint regarding an Applied Card Bank account that is posted on my credit reports has worked for me! Here is the info on the account. Never made a payment or acknowledged anything.

    Account No.: 4***********
    Condition: Derogatory
    Balance: $****
    Type: Credit Card
    Pay Status: Collection/Chargeoff
    Opened: 06/2001
    Reported: 07/2006
    Responsibility: Individual

    Sent BBB of Delaware an online complaint saying that I requested debt validation and disputed with the CRA's and never heard anything. Just got this letter in the mail:

    Dear Mr. Trying2Fix:

    Your recent inquiry to the Better Business Bureau of Delaware has been referred to me for review and response. Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. According to our records, this account is reporting correctly and is valid. However, we have decided to have this account removed from your credit file as a courtesy. Please allow the Consumer Reporting Agencies 60 business days to update their files. If you still have questions regarding your account, please call. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.

    So I am stoked. Now I only have 2 bad tradelines, both are only on TU as they've been removed from EQ and EX.
  2. LRM216

    LRM216 Well-Known Member

    I am truly happy for you! I am going through something with Applied Card Bank as well right now. Would you be kind enough to share the url for the BBB in Delaware. It would be most appreciated.
  3. ArmondoNLA

    ArmondoNLA Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I'm a legit company, I'm reporting the account right, and I'm gonna remove it as a courtesy?
    Yeah, right....hehe.

    Watch em, and make sure they remove it :)

    Congrats 2 u!
  4. Trying2Fix

    Trying2Fix Well-Known Member

    LRM -

    Just follow the instructions (i.e. United States, Business Complaint, Your Zip Code) and then you'll get to a page where you can search for the company's name. Once you find and select it, it will automatically take you to the process for the applicable BBB local office. Fill out everything online and once you're done, you'll get an email confirmation, but you should also print out the screen as well. It was very professional and I received email confirmation throughout the process saying that my case was being handled by a rep, that they were awaiting a response from the company, etc, etc.

    Good luck!

    And P.S. I have this letter in my hands to provide to the CRA's if Applied Card Bank tries to screw me over or fails to remove within 60 days. I have a feeling that it will be fine though.
  5. royalnbn

    royalnbn Well-Known Member


    I wouldn't wait. I would photocopy the letter and mail it to each of the CRAs. That's just me. I did it with 2 different letter stating that a Oc/Ca was going to removed. With my letter sent, it sped up the process. Less than 10 days for each to be removed.
  6. Trying2Fix

    Trying2Fix Well-Known Member

    Just sent out to EX and TU a copy of the letter I received along with a copy of the "We need additional evidence" letters I received from them and just a quick note saying "In response to your letter, please see the enclosed letter from Applied Card Bank stating that the account will be deleted from my credit reports, etc etc etc."

    Hopefully that will speed the process up! I will let you know when I know!
  7. Trying2Fix

    Trying2Fix Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to update that yesterday I also faxed my letter and a copy of the letter from ACB to EX and TU hopefully for even faster results, but they will get the letter in the mail any day now.
  8. LRM216

    LRM216 Well-Known Member

    Much thanks for the info. Good luck to you with all 2 cra's.
  9. Trying2Fix

    Trying2Fix Well-Known Member

    I refreshed my TrueCredit account on Saturday and low and behold, Applied Card Bank tradeline is completely removed for all 3 CRA's! And my EX score jumped from 560 to 643!!! I am now at 590 for both EQ and TU, but with a few more months of on time cc payments and my student loan out of forebearance and back to on time payments, it should continue to rise! Thanks so much for all the help I have received on this board! I still have some other minor things to take care of, and will post about them when I can. Thanks again to all who helped me!

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