can you pnt me in the rt direction?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by juliedeale, May 10, 2003.

  1. juliedeale

    juliedeale Well-Known Member

    I'm new here. I declared bankruptcy back in Aug 2001. Where and how do I start to improve my FICO score ? Any reading or web sites that you know of that can educate me would really be appreciated.

  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    This site is excellent! The first thing you need to do is order all three of your credit reports to see exactly where you are.

    Read the INTRO threads at the top of the first page, and start searching around in old posts.

    Welcome to the Board.
  3. juliedeale

    juliedeale Well-Known Member

    I have attempted to read the threads at the top of the forum... but I don't understand most of it, for example "verification" What is the purpose of it? Why and when would you use it? I hope I'm not that thick but what am I missing????

  4. phantom

    phantom Well-Known Member


    When you dispute something a company has put on your credit report (i.e., not yours, closed, included in bk, whatever) the credit bureau has to send a verification form to the company. It is then the company's responsibility to prove to the credit bureau that the tradeline on your credit report is correct. They have 30 days in which to do this. If the credit bureau does not receive verification from the company, the line must be deleted from your report. HTH
  5. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    No, your not thick. Your on information overload.

    Follow the posts for awhile, reread the intro threads, and I promise stuff will start making sense.

    Good luck!
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Maybe it's the coffee:
    : speaking of coffee


    Did you know it's a sin for a woman to make coffee?
    Yup, it's in the Bible.

    It says.......

    " HEBREWS"

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    HA HA
  8. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Oops I am sinful this a.m. - but Hubby is in LA.

    You guys don't want me here without coffee (and my kids don't want me at home either!)

    Perhaps I shall go to Starbucks for confession.

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