Class action lawsuit white v experian

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by timjbaer, Oct 5, 2009.

  1. timjbaer

    timjbaer New Member

    Hey all. I need some advice. I have been notified that my wife and I may have a claim for a class action lawsuit.

    you can look up the lawsuit using google, White v experian

    We actually have a claim here but there are limits on pay outs. There are three tiers. My wife is only eligible for refusal of Home mortgage based on inaccurate data. I was eligible for Denial of employment, refusal of mortgage, Refusal of auto loan, and refusal of credit cards. I can only recieve one amount $750.00 for my deniel of employment. and my wife for $500.00 for the loan. You can not get claims for multiple violations. I can opt out and attempt to go it on my own or take the settlement. If I do nothing I loost the right to file any claim on this matter in the future.

    Any suggestions on what to do!

    thanks Tim
  2. Borbiusle

    Borbiusle Member

    Could you provide a link that gives instructions on how to participate in the class-action? I've been googling around but nothing concrete comes up.
  3. timjbaer

    timjbaer New Member

    here is a link

    I cant provide a link yet because of this is my first posting. you have to cut an past it yourself.
  4. ajhno

    ajhno Member

    Do you want a check now, or would you prefer to hire a lawyer at your own expense and see what happens? Only you can decide.
  5. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Take the money . . .
  6. phantom

    phantom Well-Known Member

    Did anyone get the updated mailing about this requiring additional info for actual damage awards? I have credit reports showing errors but obviously don't have denial letters from 10 years ago. I knew they would make this difficult but jeez!
  7. neweli

    neweli New Member

    well, here is the status nearly 7 years later. As of June or July of 2011 the courts held that experian had to settle the suit, infact the settlement amount is 45 million dollars and only 750,000 recipients there abouts that filed a claim that was accepted. only a little over 2000 people supposedly qualified for the 750.00 dollar settlment, nearly 5 thousand gets the next award of what 350 and then the majoriy of folks get either 150.00 or 28.00. The first thing wrong with this suit is it is taking forever due to the attorneys interns or helpers that have not been victims of credit abuse that are asking for 3 to 5 thousand dollars. This is been kept in court because the attorneys are bickering over paying interns or extra people on the suit 3 to 5 grand apiece. Second of all, the law states that if you are violated by a credit compnay such as experian you are entitled to 1000.00 compenstation for damages. I wonder how these attorneys came up with these settlement amounts of 750 or 350 or 150 when the law states minimal is 1000. With this being said and being awarded 45 million dollars that the people who are victims of the credit bureau is now the victims of the courts and these attorneys on both sides because they are not paying what one shoudl actually get but determinging by thier own pockets that need filled who will get what leaving this firm still millions of dollars just for starting the action. Do it yourself well you could and it would all be yours but as you can see by the documentation filed that this is along process to prove if you are an individual and you need to know your fair credit laws. I think however qaulified should get a piece of the pie and damages that are only worth 28.00 isn't worth the paper it is written on or all the time we have spent watching this thing progress to where it is not being split equally among the victims but equally between the lawyers on the fighting side, unlike any other class action wehre the proceeds are equally split, its only equally split between your pocket and the lawers and they ahve bigger pockets..well the saga goes on, still no conclusion on settlement until those other lawyers not victims can get heir 3 to four thousand dollars a piece
  8. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    This is how it is with class action suits.

    You either want the 'easy money' that someone else is suing for... Or to spend the same amount of time personally in the court suing them for your individual damages, providing proof for every time you were wrongly denied credit within the SOL.

    You can file personally in federal court, as an individual 'pro se' if you would opt-out before the deadline. But you are working for the 1,000 / violation... If you would hire an attorney, chances are you'd be paying the 250 / violation to the law firm, or more before all is said and done.
  9. neweli

    neweli New Member

    44,437,500 This is suppose to be a class action suit where the courts has settled this case in the amount of 45 million dollars. Since last year at this time the only reason this has not been paid out to the consumer who filed is because the white law firm wants to get awarded thousands of dollars for each and every one on their team and the opposing team appealed. This appeals were to be over on January, then extended to june battling over the amounts the law firm should get. well this number 44,437,500 is what the law firm is going to get. they have to pay less than 750.00 dollars to each person who is involved with claims setting guidelines that you can only get 100.00 or 35.00 up to 750.00. There are a total of 750000 citizens that filed legitimate claims and entitled for compensation. This lawfirm has to pay out to the people who are actually victims less than 500 thousand dollars out of 45 million and get to pocket 44 million? If this is a class action suit then this should entitle the claimants to 60 thousand dollars a piece minus attorney fees. Then they want to battle over getting more of the 500 thousand they have to pay to the claimants. What kind of judicial system and fairness to the actual victims when the attorney doesnt appear to be fighting for the people, but using the claimants for personal wealth and gain. I think that if we as claimaint beleived for a minute that they would settle for 45 million we could have disputed hte claim form amounts, but no this was all decided by a court who is willing to allow the attorney the fees amount of 44 million dollars and used the claimants as personal gain. I do hope that with the decision of the judges that they can see that this is a legal scam at this rate by this law firm and that since there are 750000 claimants that these attorneys so called fought for will see that obviously these 750 thousand claimants should be paid more than 35 dollars to 750.00 in order for the attorneys to walk away with 44 million and want more...???????
  10. neweli

    neweli New Member

    The total fees approved were $16,747,147.68.

    Apparently the attorneys on this case in which 49 million dollars was awarded by the courts for damages to the participants by Experian it was determined the White law firm will be paid a little over 16 million dollars for thier is still stating the claimaints in this suit out of the remaining 28.252.853 will be dispursed to the claimaints at 26.00 for each person out of 770 thousand people in this lawsuit, there is no intent from what I am gathering that the remaining balance would be divided among the class action recipients and the firm is adamant about only paying 2 million out of the 28 million after lawfirm gets there fees and they get the remaining amount. so being a claimant there is nothign stating when you will recieve your 26 dollars out of the settlement anytime soon and for having such a huge lawsuit you would htink the court would force the lawyers to pay out the money to the victims, but I have not heard if they are going ot do that or if white will pocket the 26 million getting paid 42 million dollars in total with fees and settlment award , I am glad that I filed for my 26 dollars out of 49 million dollars by all rights the victims of credit abuse should be entitled to more than 26 dollars that is for damn sure~
  11. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    FCRA, you would have received a min of $100 to a max of $1,000 / violation, but doing it yourself you would have more than likely had court costs and attorneys fees which would be out of pocket until it was resolved, which with suing a CRA typically could go for years.

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