
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by HOMEN2004, Aug 1, 2002.

  1. HOMEN2004

    HOMEN2004 Well-Known Member

    Since finding this SPECTACULAR board about two months ago, I have learned to say the least, a whole HELL of a lot about credit and how to repair it. I read this board everyday. It is my mantra when I get to work. I am now officially known here w/in my dept to be obsessive compulsive when it comes to repairing my credit. I have gotten other people to come to the site, but I digress. Here are "THE FRUITS OF MY LABOR".

    A FELTON BANK CHARGEOFF dated opened 04/98, charged off: 5/98):this acct was sold to a CA and I settled with them. Acct was showing chargeoff/never late. EQ DELETED.

    A COLLECTION ACCT (dola: 10/97): DELETED
    -the rep at EQ discussed my entire report w/ me on yesterday over the phone and told me that this acct was deleted. I didn't ask why. Reason being, I was about to send a settlement letter to them. Y ask Y?

    Capital One classic MC: Mr. Cooke came through for me. I had three 30 days, and 2 60 days as tradelines on this acct. I sent Mr. Cooke a Goodwill letter via fax and he agreed to delete (according to the EQ rep) the 30's and 1 of the 60's.

    I am now disputing a PAID IN FULL REHABILITATED STUDENT LOAN that is showing PAID COLLECTION. And I have this nasty Marlin Integ. that is getting on my last nerves to tackle, but for now, all I can say....

  2. freddiemil

    freddiemil Well-Known Member

    Its true. Jesus wants you to have good credit.

    Great work!!
  3. creditman

    creditman Well-Known Member

    good job, Marlin Intl is a pain. I dealt with them before, but can't remember why.....anyways they are off my report!!

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