Dilemma with Job & credit report

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tt00, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. tt00

    tt00 Well-Known Member

    Ok, I have a question ....Or let me ask what would you do in this situation?
    I have picked up a side job with PT hours. They hired me & now are requesting that I pay off a charge off that is 6 yrs & 8 months old ..... WTF ..
    My fico score is a near a 700 at 691

    1st of all this is the only charge off I have on my credit reports and I have no intentions of wanting to screw with my fico score or have my score take a dip for making a payment on this debt which is about 100 bucks that is near the 7 year reporting limits. This is like poking at a sleeping lion seeing if it will bite back :) or risk them trying to change last date of activity on this account.

    About a few weeks ago, I tried disputing it & they came back and verified it.. This is with a utility bill but I am thinking why bother this is falling off 4 months anyways... Should I just keep disputing it with CRA's for the next couple of months & tell this job it is in dispute.. Also they are requesting a R9 letter... there is no guarantee if I pay this I will get this from the creditor... cause once they have my money I am screwed....not willing to take a chance on this thing as I am planning to buy a house this year & I have worked hard to get my credit back together after college. Also if is is no longer on my reports and they re-pull them in another 4 months why would they need this R9 letter for something that is no longer there on my CMR

    Funny thing is I also work FT for another company that this PT jobs works for & I got hired on with my FT place w/o having to pay this off, never even got questioned about it; Both companies come from a financial business scope. I never had any problems with any other companies that I have been previously employed by that pull a credit report that says I have to pay this off. If this was a big deal why would they even hire me in the first place? I would should I just let this job go... cause right now I am thinking it is not worth it to cause more problems waking up a dead zombie on my CRA and I can easily find other PT gig if they cannot absolutely get over this.
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't pay it for the sole purpose of a part-time job. When you disputed it, did the furnisher report it as being in dispute after they verified it. If not, I'd consider filing a Complaint against them and see if they want to litigate over a time-barred $100.00 debt. My guess is you'd receive a settlement offer before an Answer was filed . . .
  3. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    Let me guess: you disputed it, but your old addresses were still on the CR at the time, which helped the CRA with the " verification "?

    Would you consider deleting all old personal information from that CR, then writing a second dispute which specifically requests they " reinvestigate " the account and delete it?
  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    I like your use of statutory language. Most people fail to apply it but it does compel certain things. The closer you can parallel your disputes to the actual express language, often the better the results.

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