disputing on experian...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ericstac, Apr 18, 2003.

  1. ericstac

    ericstac Well-Known Member

    I was wondering if it is okay to dispute a derog. on Experian CR while there is already a few other TL in Dispute?
    I had sent a few online disputes on some TL as not mine and I went there yesterday and they are still pending. They were disputed two weeks ago. While I was there I noticed another account that needed to be disputed. Can I dispute this or will it cause some problems?
  2. shirola

    shirola Well-Known Member

    For me, I had several going at one time through mail and online disputes. I don't know what the "magic number" is to be declared "frivolous", if any; so I always kept it to 4 or less at a time. I never had any problems with Experian refusing to investigate.
  3. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    yes dispute it, just keep track of all the dates that your disputes were initiated so that you will know when to expect them to be completed and/or (hopefully) deleted.
  4. ellemnop

    ellemnop Active Member

    Although it's never happened to me, I've heard others say that the CRA has considered their new dispute as "additional information" and it gave them another 15 days to investigate the original disputes. I don't know if that would happen or not, but it's something to think about.


    DISPUTER Well-Known Member

    Trans Union will extend dispute time when you add another dispute but Experian has never done it in my experience with them.

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