Genuis 1 Please Resond!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cooolboobs, Jun 30, 2003.

  1. cooolboobs

    cooolboobs Member

    I would really like to know your circumstance with your 100000 debt. what was your plan? did you hide? what was your biggest debt to cc and who? DId you sue them?
    I am in a simular situation any advise would be great!

  2. Genius1

    Genius1 Active Member

    yes, I did hide for awhile - changed my phone number - but being that I was self-employed I couldnt hide too long - but being self-employed worked to my advantage - when they did catch up to me via phone or letters - I just told them I had no provable income and they could just sue me...

    my house was jointly owned with my wife so they couldnt take it or place a lien on it...

    six years went by and about 2 dozen collection companies - out of the 100k I settled three accounts (worth about 45k) for $5000 - the others I sent validation letters to and fought the CRA's at every angle

    my attorney and my accountant both told me to file BK - but I new my rights and what a BK would do not only personnally but also professionally - I didn't want anything to do with BK

    like I said I know have near perfect credit - my scores are top 700's and just one negative still appears on my CR - MBNA for about $3000 (which SOL is 12/03)

    just bought a new house - the bank wasn't even concerned with MBNA because the SOL was almost up

    so sorry ...cooolboobs - first on the plan is to stay calm - get a couple of things - a folder to keep all your papertrails in, a notebook to write down everything you do and say regarding CC's and an answering machine to screen your calls.

    I can walk you through the process. Send me an email.

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