Goodwill letter... Certified mail?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by BrettS, May 9, 2003.

  1. BrettS

    BrettS Well-Known Member

    I prepared several goodwill letters last night and I'm getting ready to send them out today. I was wondering if you guys normally send them via certified mail or if you just put a stamp on them and drop them in the mailbox.

    I think certified mail is less likely to get ignored, but to me it has kind of a bad feel to it... It seems like you don't trust the company and they may be more inclined to answer negatively. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. What do you guys think?

  2. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Absolutely not Brett.

    CRRR creates an adversarial atmosphere. With the GW you're seeking a favor and want their co-operation. You wouldn't want to create an adversarial atmosphere while you're doing it.

    This is one area where I would fax it. It does not appear unfriendly, yet you do get proof of delivery, not that you would ever need it.

    Try to find someone helpfull and in a position to make a decision if you can.

    It might take a cpl tries.

    Good luck.

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