Help me to understand Equifax

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Killer, Dec 31, 2001.

  1. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    By getting paid collections removed and charge-offs soon reaching 7 years, my report will be clean except one account. Please help! The account is a repossesion (I am no deadbeat! It was totally unavoidable on my part!) I just pulled my Equifax online and the account appears under 3 headings:

    Under Credit Information:

    Name Account Balance Status
    ABC Com 12345 XDollars 120+ Days Past Due

    Under Collection Accounts:

    Client Account Balance Status Collect'n Agency
    ABC Com 7891 YDollars Unpaid Collector, Inc

    Under Delinquent Records:

    Company Account Balance Past Due
    ABC Com 12345 XDollars ZDollars

    As you can see, this same account has two different balances with 2 different account numbers! Not only this, the ABC has a report date of 10/2001 and Collector has a report date of 11/2001. They both are reporting the same account with two sets of information.

    Is this legal! I hope not.

    I recently aplied for a loan for some equipment for my in-home business. The first question the lender asked, "What are these two accounts?" I had to explain that they are the same account. The lender stated "Are you aware that they are being reported as two seperate account?". I was approved for the loan but turned it down because of the incredibly high interest rate.

    How do I get this corrected? Because the debt is almost 3 years old and the limitation is 4 years in my state, I am afraid that the creditor will seek judgement if I contact them.

    Any advice is appreciated.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    They are really are trying to railroad people.

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