How much can one sue for?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dj4ever, Jul 18, 2003.

  1. dj4ever

    dj4ever Member

    When a credit agency refuses to remove a bankruptcy on a credit that isn't the creditor, and the
    creditor show proof of this. How much can one sue for?
    Also can one sue small claims, state, and federal all at once?
    What legal terms can one sue for?
    Since Experian headquarter is located in Texas, would it be wise to sue Experian in the state of
    Texas other than the state he or she lives in?

    Thank you!!!1

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  3. jsummers

    jsummers Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: How much can one sue for?

    Couldnt and havent CRA's just filed motions to have the case heard in Federal Court since it will be federal laws you are accusing them of breaking?

    Sure it will still be in your home state.. but not small claims.. Perhaps with a CA but with one of the CRA's.. Wouldnt they just keep filing motions in hopes to frustrate you so much you drop the case.. I have heard of this being done.. By CRA's and one or two of the large CA's
  4. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: How much can one sue for?

    Yeah, they sure can make a motion for removal of the case from a small claims court or even a state court up to federal. That's when hopefully the plaintiff has read the FCRA and is prepared to file an answer to the motion explaining why the FCRA allows plaintiff's to file in small claims.

    I think these requests by CRA's and CA's is somewhat frivolous and more of strategy, like you say to frustrate, and probably also to intimidate the plaintiff.

    If the small claims magistrate/judge can interpret the FCRA, the CRA's and CA's should have their motion for removal to federal denied. But you never know what you will get!
  5. pnwman

    pnwman Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: How much can one sue for?

    It seems like you may be missing the point. Virtually all requests to move these types of cases to Federal Courts ARE granted. Heck 90% of the small claims judges haven't a clue about these types of issues anyway.
  6. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: How much can one sue for?

    And that strategy has been notably counterproductive since Federal Judges don't like "wasting their time" hearing small cases that belong in Small Claims Court - that's why the CRA's LOSE such a large percentage of cases they transfer to Federal Courts.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How much can one sue for?


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How much can one sue for?

    ...AND WHEN YOUR PROBABLY ASKING FOR $1,000 (AND REMOVAL) is it LOGICAL for them to spend $3,000-$5,000 to defend it???
  9. dj4ever

    dj4ever Member

    Question for everyone? If an credit agency refuses to remove incorrect
    information off your report, and you where denied credit and low interest rates on
    various mortgages due to the same incorrect information the credit agency refuses
    to remove.

    What legal terms can one site when suing in small claims court?
  10. dj4ever

    dj4ever Member

    Question for everyone? If an credit agency refuses to remove incorrect
    information off your report, and you where denied credit and low interest rates on
    various mortgages due to the same incorrect information the credit agency refuses
    to remove.

    What legal terms can one site when suing in small claims court or federal court?

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