I paid a debt in full, but my credit bureaus have not updated my credit reports help?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dauzzo, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. dauzzo

    dauzzo New Member

    I paid a debt in full my wife racked up the debt on t-mobile and didn't tell me till my credit score dropped but my credit bureaus have not updated my credit reports...help? In January 2014 Midland Funding/T-mobile mailed me a paid in full letter and over 2 weeks ago I mailed this paid in full letter to all 3 credit bureaus, but the credit bureaus have not updated my reports to show paid in full...when could they update my reports?

  2. mindcrime

    mindcrime Well-Known Member

    Re: I paid a debt in full, but my credit bureaus have not updated my credit reports h

    Did you mail the letter certified to the CRAs? What did you include with the mailing?

    You could just dispute the account is PIF/$0 balance, though a paid collection isn't much better for your scores than an unpaid especially one this fresh.
  3. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Re: I paid a debt in full, but my credit bureaus have not updated my credit reports h

    First, even with documentation the CRA contacts the DF to verify the information.

    The general rule is to not provide the documents.

    If you disputed it without the document and the DF doesn't respond, it would be deleted. But now, you've verified that they can report it with a zero balance. And no amount of disputing will be able to get rid of it.

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