Illegal for CA to delete TradeLine?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by snakeman, Sep 5, 2003.

  1. snakeman

    snakeman Well-Known Member

    I started my day today with a thought.

    Suppose I were to call up some of the CA's that reported on my bureau and offer a friendly exchange.

    "Full payment for a complete deletion of TradeLine".

    The first company I talked to was reluctant, but complied and agreed to send a deletion notice/message to the 3 CRA's in exchange for full payment.

    The next two CA's were steadfast and even insisted that it would "violate the law and violate the agreement that CA's had with the 3 CRA's in regards to deleting factual information or at the very least delete an account in exchange for payment".

    Now Don't worry about the one account that did agree to delete, they did send a faxed letter stating the agreement and that's enough for me.....

    What I want to know is if the other two CA's were blowing smoke....or are they right?

    Also, What does anyone know about a better way to go about what I'm doing? I have the money to pay every collection on my report.....I just want something out of it. Something more than a "paid" addition. (does that even boost your score?)

    Also, can someone please give me some insight as to how to go about doing this with a JUDGEMENT. Would this even be possible seeings how this is through a court?

    Any and all suggestions welcomed.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    Have them send you the "EXACT" LAW IN WRITING
  3. snakeman

    snakeman Well-Known Member

    Ok, and just for @!*#'s and giggles, why should they? Why would they?

    Get my point? I could ask that and they would become defensive and that would be the end of that.

    Any more suggestions? I would appreciate more feedback.

    Thanks again though George.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Illegal for CA to delete TradeLine?

    "IF" you are willing to pay in full for deletion...SEND THEM A PAY FOR DELETION AGREEMENT LETTER

    When they agree in will pay

    "IF" they don't agree...they won't get paid...
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1* The next two CA's were steadfast and insisted that it would "violate the law.
    2*The next two CA's were steadfast and insisted that it would violate the
    agreement that the CA's had with the 3 Car's in regard to deleting factual information.
    3*What I want to know is if the other two CA's were blowing smoke....
    are they right?
    4*I just want something out of it. Something more than a "paid" addition. (does that even boost your score?)
    5*Get my point? I could ask that and they would become defensive and that would be the end of that.
    6*Any more suggestions? I would appreciate more feedback.
    1*Both are lying about that.
    2*Maybe so but their is a way or two or three around that!
    3*Yep concerning it being against the law. Could be right regarding an agreement with CRAs, but that can be gotten around.
    4*NO score boost for a paid collection.
    5*That's why you follow the validation process. When they are faced with paying penalties for violations they tend to mellow out.
    6*Stick to the process and keep it on track by not letting them throw it off course like the 2 Cas are trying with BS comments like they just fed you.

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