
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by SweetnSas, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. SweetnSas

    SweetnSas Well-Known Member

    Hi all,
    I'm looking for a credit monitoring service where I can pull my report daily. I only need it for a short period of time and would prefer all 3 reports. Anyone have any ideas on this one!
  2. mindcrime

    mindcrime Well-Known Member

  3. mechanicw

    mechanicw Well-Known Member

    Directly to answerr you questions There are many services that offer what you are looking for but, what your asking leads to other questions and its those questions that you need to let us know as it will affect what your looking for.

    However the monitoring does differ alot. If your looking for a FICO score remember they are FAKO's so any score driven motivation to get a service its basically a useless number.(YOUR NOT GONNA ACHEIVE YOUR GOAL)Scores dont really matter unless your applying for credit and the only scoring model that matters at that time is the model they use.

    Many people are driven to get a monitoring service then want to dispute with that information.Again useless as you will neeed a real report to do so. DISPUTE THRU THE MAIL (CERTIFIED MAIL) not (RR)There a multitude of reasons to dispute thru the mail all of which I dont want to go into right now as it could be a thread all in of itself.

    The fact that your asking about a daily pull indicates to me that you are looking for B*.

    If this is the case I should have you know that there are certain monitoring services that you DON"T want to use. If you use the wrong service you and most likely will get placed on the C*(CHOP LIST) when you were going for the B*(BUMP)There are others that you HAVE to use. EX There is NOT an all in ONE to acheive B*
  4. SweetnSas

    SweetnSas Well-Known Member

    I'm not looking for scores. I'm monitoring content. Not trying to dispute anything either at this point.

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  5. mechanicw

    mechanicw Well-Known Member

    I use USAA

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk -

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