Providian stubbornness!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by orakle, Jul 21, 2003.

  1. orakle

    orakle Active Member

    I filed suit against Providian in California Small Claims Court after they had three collection agencies (one agency they used twice!) try to collect on me, and none of the agencies provided validation. I sued two of the collection agencies (RMA and OSI) in addition to Providian. OSI went out of business (hahaha!) and RMA settled with me.

    As for Providian, they are being incredibly stubborn trying to wiggle their way out of this. We all know that OC's are liable for their CA conduct, but in this case, Providian's legal person is trying to tell me that Providian is not covered by the California FDCPA. Anybody have an opinion about that? I don't agree with her, because the California FDCPA was specifically passed to hold OC's to the same federal statutes as CA's, but I am having trouble finding case law or the approriate section in the California FDCPA.

    Any suggestions or comments welcome! SECOND court date with these bastards is July 28 -- I am playing just as nasty; I subpoena'd one of their Executive Office Employees!

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