Salary verification/Credit Card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by woodyz, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. woodyz

    woodyz New Member

    Hi, quick quesiton about credit card companies.

    In short, I was out of work for some time and as a result fell behind on all my bills. I had two credit cards both with Bank Of America and they were close to max. During the hardship period, I could not make payments. Time has passed and I am working again now. I called them and explained the situation and asked them to work with me. Their response was that I had to call a different department and that they would need to verify income and expenses first.

    My question is, what can they legally ask for/do? Can they call employer? Can they get tax records?

    Just want an idea of what I'm getting into.

    any advise is appreciated.

  2. MrGreen

    MrGreen Well-Known Member

    I've not been in your exact boat but if that happened to me, I would remember back to the recording their system played at the beginning of your phone call where they said it was recorded and would be used to collect a debt.

    I'd be worried that their number one goal with you was to get a bunch of info so they could sock you as hard as the law will allow. But maybe I'm just a suspicious sort, but I'd imagine a garnishment is the minimum they're plotting for (well, really against) you.

    Watch your six talking to these guys. Myself I don't trust either me or them so much on the phone and I made sure to do all in writing. Especially the things where they have a timed deadline to respond, I would make sure to hand write out everything I thought they'd need to know (which was quite a lot, lol). Read the stats on the avg time they spend responding to requests like yours; facts like that are amazing (sad though).
  3. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Look at it from the other way, you are asking for a favor, they are deciding whether to give you the help you are asking for. Would you rather get a no, than a yes?
  4. MrGreen

    MrGreen Well-Known Member

    Very smart jam.

    I'll admit to being so leery of phone contact during credit repair that I sometimes think too defensively. I know you're talking to woodyz but more than he can learn from your posts jam - like me - thank you.
  5. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Especially when it's with an office of the OC, some trust to earn trust can be good.

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