
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by pdidy, May 5, 2008.

  1. pdidy

    pdidy Member

    Couple of questions about SOL.

    When does the SOL start. The first 30 days of delinquent or later?

    Does communicating with, a Collection agency start the clock again when it comes to SOL.

    Communicating via email, that consitute an official communication thus starting the clock.

    If the debt was past its SOL and you communciate with a CA can you bring up the SOL?
  2. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    All of that is state-dependent, except that mere communication should never, ever reset the SOL clock no matter what the state... what would reset the SOL clock in some instances is an acknowledgement of the debt (admitting that it's yours and still owed), sometimes that acknowledgement would have to be a written one, and in some cases writing a check would count as a written acknowledgement, in some cases it wouldn't ... other forms of payment might or might not reset the SOL in a particular state as well, again, most of this is state dependent.

    But mere communication? How else would you tell 'em to FOAD? Or demand that they cease and desist?

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