Target Guest Card To Target Visa

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by RONNIE, Aug 24, 2004.


    RONNIE Member

    Was just wondering if anyone has had any success in getting the guest card converted to Visa. Or getting ugraded after having the guest card for awhile.

  2. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Had the guest card since October, just got the visa in the mail this week. Didn't even ask for it again. It just came as a month early b-day present... :)

    Depending on how long you had the account, you may be getting a present around the same time your next billing statement is due. (fingers crossed for you)
  3. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Similar situation here....Target Visa just came in the mail last week. I did not ask for it.

    I have had Target Guest card for a few years, initial 200 CL, was raised to 500 cl after a few months. Sat at 500 cl for years.

    I never asked for the Visa. It just showed up in my mailbox.
  4. BurnIt

    BurnIt Well-Known Member

    I was called by Retailers National Bank about 3 weeks ago. I have a Marshall Fields card and a Target guest card. If you didn't know already, the Target Corp. sold Marshall Fields about a month ago. They wanted to offer me the Target Visa because I couldn't use the Marshall Fields card at Target anymore.....

    I told them I had a "Target card" already. I didn't want any inquiries at the time, and since I rarely use the Guest card, it didn't matter. I hope I didn't jinx myself out of it. My billing cycle ends this week. I will let you know if I get a card magically.

    BTW, what new CL did you get with the Target visa, since the guest card is historically low?
  5. JCM2004

    JCM2004 Member

    On 8/2004 I requested an increase on my Target GC and I was approved for an extra $100 and a week later without requesting a Target Visa it showed up with a $1000 Limit.
  6. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Guest card was issued to me with $200 CL.

    CL was raised to $500 CL automatically 3 months later.

    Target Visa arrived with $2500 CL.

    I had guest card for approximately 3.5 years.

    Hope the helps!
  7. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    I got my Guest Card back in 2001 with $200 limit. I only used the Guest Card three times and about two weeks ago I got a Target Visa in the mail with $1,000 limit.

    RONNIE Member

    Thanks for all the info. I hope I am one of the lucky ones to get the Visa upgrade.
  9. trent1059

    trent1059 Well-Known Member

    did they pull a soft prior to issueing the visa or was it internal?
  10. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    I did not have either a hard or soft inq- it must have happened via an internal process.
  11. Hunter75

    Hunter75 Member

    Got mine a few days ago. Had guest card since 12/02, started with 200 cl, was up to 900. New visa has cl of 6000. Had to call to get apr lowered.
  12. Maer

    Maer Well-Known Member

    I've had a Target Guest Card since they began issuing them . I believe early to mid 90's....

    I applied for the Target Visa a couple of years ago and was denied due to my b/k. Prior to that I was pretty successful getting 100.00 CL increases every time I called (after reading that suggestion here). My limit was up to a whopping 900.00. After requesting the Visa the increases stopped. Everytime I requested one I received a notice that I was rejected due to my BK. Wierd.....

    Anyway, last week I received the Target Visa out of the blue!!!! $3,000.00 CL and 18.99% interest (ouch). I won't carry a balance at that rate but I'm glad they finally folded. I kind of figured since I got one, they are probably giving them to everybody now.
  13. catnap1972

    catnap1972 Well-Known Member

    Re: Target Guest Card To Target Vis

    I received mine (upgrade) a couple of weeks ago. Went from a $600 CL on a mostly unused guest card to $10,000 CL on the Visa (12.15% APR). No idea what the rhyme or reason for the massive increase.
  14. BurnIt

    BurnIt Well-Known Member

    Re: Target Guest Card To Target Vis

    Did any of you guys that have received the new Target Visa lately get that phone call I did before you received it? Just curious.....
  15. paul77136

    paul77136 New Member

    Re: Target Guest Card To Target Vis

    I've had a $500 Guest Card since mid-2002, with frequent usage and a good payment record. I was invited to apply in-store for a Target Visa in July and was TD. Then, late last month, a $6000 Target Visa came in the mail to replace my Guest Card. Go figure :)
  16. trent1059

    trent1059 Well-Known Member

    Re: Target Guest Card To Target Vis

    I spoke with Target customer service last night to get a new guest card, my mag strip is worn out, She told me that they are converting all good history guest cards to target visa at a rate of 1000 per day, cards with slow pays or lates will remain a guest card but no lates or overlimits will get a visa within the next 90 days.
    She was in india so dont really know if what she said was true....Ill wait and see.
  17. trent1059

    trent1059 Well-Known Member

    Re: Target Guest Card To Target Vis

    has anyone that got the new visa seen the reporting yet, are thay like the guest card or are they reporting correctly, limit and not just high useage??
  18. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Re: Target Guest Card To Target Vis

    Mine is reporting- I was converted just over a month ago.

    One some CR's, it reported as a new account BUT backdated to the time my old guest card was opened. On others, it just showed as a new account.

    My Guest card account shows as closed at consumers request- except for TransUnion which shows as "unrated"???? I thought unrated was a semi-negative???

    I don't remember which is which, but I will check and report back.
  19. NoBull

    NoBull New Member

    Re: Re: Target Guest Card To Target Vis

    I just closed a series of accounts, where the credit issuer was not offering me favorable APRs etc, but still, of course, keeping some older tradelines to maintain age of credit history. All of my accounts, which had perfect standing, payment-wise, etc. are reporting as "unrated," when I check TU through PrivacyGuard. Should I be concerned? My TU FICO is 767, so I do not think it can be too much of a negative with such a high score. However, ANY negative, when these accounts had PERFECT credit history, needs to be addressed. I would love to know if TU needs to get a call from me, disputing how they report.

    Thanks in advance.
  20. rocket1977

    rocket1977 Well-Known Member

    I had my guest card for less than a year before it was converted to a Visa. It seems Target did a mass conversion because my card got converted about the same time as everyone else.

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