Traitor in our midst????

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tmitchell, Jul 31, 2002.

  1. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    Found this post at

    Subject: RE: Message Board Conduct
    Author: Bbauer
    Date: 6/30/2002 11:21 pm EDT

    Barney, you obviously haven't thought your position out very well. There are quite a few other professions that are worse than that of being a debt collector. If you think that being a debt collector is so bad and evil, try being a politician or try being an executioner at a prison or a tax collector or any one of a number of other jobs that are far more detestable.

    While being a debt collector might be less than desireable in your eyes, it is just another way to earn a living and it has to be done just like many other jobs that are also less than desireable. Being a policeman is often less than a desireable job in the eyes of many, but it is a job that must be done and just like policemen who see so much evil and so many senseless acts and soon become inured to the "human" side of life, bill collectors hear so many sad stories every day that they too soon become inured to all the sob stories.

    If bill collectors were to accept the cries of woe fed to them every day they wouldn't collect a dime and would soon starve to death. It's just a job that has to be done and somebody has to do it.

    If you dislike what bill collectors do then maybe you should do something to help change the situation, help them learn how to do their job in more acceptable ways instead of just bashing them.
    Learn to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

    If you did that then maybe you wouldn't have bill collectors calling you and writing you letters.

    Life isn't easy for bill collectors either. Debtors are becoming much more sophisticated these days and they are learning how to make life ever more miserable for bill collectors.

    Just like bill collectors have this message board to try to learn better ways of doing things, debtors also have message boards where they learn how to beat the bill collectors. They study ways to get the bill collectors in trouble with the law and cost them huge damage awards. It's getting real dangerous to be a bill collector anymore because there are so many laws that must be obeyed to the letter and the courts often hold the employee personally responsible for errors they make in doing their jobs.

    One single error in collecting from a debtor can cost an employer huge amounts of money and it can also cost the employee huge amounts of money and maybe his home, his car and his bank account.
    He can easily lose everything he ever had and ever hoped to make just because he made some mistake or other in trying to do his job. The problem today is that there are so many laws that it's getting almost impossible to do the job without breaking some law or other and with debtors becoming knowledgeable about these laws, they often know more about the law than most bill collectors do.

    They congregate on message boards just like this one and study ways to go to court and sue bill collectors for the maximum damage awards they can get just because the bill collector made some little error.

    Matter of fact, I'm willing to bet that you know of at least one message board like that and that you visit that message board on a regular basis and do everything you can to trap the bill collectors and outwit the credit bureaus.

    Maybe I'm wrong about that, but it does stand to reason that anybody who hates bill collectors the you seem to would be a person who spends a lot of time trying to figure out how to use the law to make the bill collectors suffer to the max for just doing their jobs and trying to make a living just like you do.
  2. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    I'm confused??? So, who's the traitor? Bbauer?
  3. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    It almost seems like he is trying to lead them to places like ours. Maybe I'm being TOO cynical.
  4. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    I read the barney posts. He totally trashes them and they really hate him. We should all go their and post misinformation and become trolls on that board. hahaha

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