A Whole New Problem!!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Butch, Aug 1, 2002.

  1. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    HI Gang,

    The following is a service performed by CBC-Companies.com, an EQ affiliate.


    * TRV (Tax Return Verification):
    Requests 1, 2, or 3 years of income tax information. Report compares data and highlights potential fraud for you when comparing line items from borrower's 1040 with the IRS's 1040.

    I'm going to be demanding a copy of this consumer report and will let ya know what happens.

    They just ain't gonna quit.

  2. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member


    Tax verification has been around for awhile...you have to sign a release allowing them to request your IRS w-2 transcripts so that they can compare it to the returns you submitted...its basically an income verifiaction software. So if a mortgage broker asks you to sign a release for this info and you have something to hide....go to another broker! Or apply for a no income verification mortgage.

  3. CaliGirl

    CaliGirl Well-Known Member

    This seesm like it should not be legal - although it probably is, but I am really uncomfortable with the thought of strangers out there in credit land pulling my tax info.

  4. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    Hey, Butch !!!
    Thanks for the scouting around that you do. You always seem to come up with some interesting sites.

  5. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    yep that's my guy...the hunka' hunka, hubba' hubba', lollapalooza law researchin' lovin' manly man...GO Butch!!!!
  6. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Yea yea,

    Hunka Burnin Love.

  7. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Hey CLC,

    Do you think I can get a copy of this report?

    Is it a "consumer report" by FCRA definition?

  8. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    Basically it is an income verification software. What it does is request your irs transcript and then compares it with the returns you submitted as part of your mortgage application process. This cannot be done without your knowledge. It is against the law for the IRS to furnish anyone your irs info unless you sign a release or power of attorney.

    So in answer to your question...no...it is not a publicly accessible report. Your w-2 info is not publicly available to anyone.

    Hope this answers your question, hunka' hunka'



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