We've noticed an increased request lately for sample letters. Creditnet still has a forum dedicated to sample letters; however, no new sample letters have been added in quite some time. We feel it will be beneficial to start updating the "Sample Letters" forum and ask for your assistance in doing so. If you can contribute in any way, please do; you will receive recognition in the "Sample Letters" forum for any help you provide. You can email your letters to webmaster@creditnet.com or reply to this post. If you would like to see a specific sample letter added, please reply to this post so others may know what has been requested and can help accordingly. Thanks in advance for your willingness to make this board beneficial and useful to all.
Sample Letters Here's what I've come up with over time. No credit to me for writing these... rbrussell ************************************************* Payment by Deletion Letter ************************************************* Dear Sir or Madam: This letter is an offer to amicably settle the above account. It is not to be construed as an acknowledgment of my liability for this debt in any form. I will pay your company the amount of $XXXX as full settlement of this account. If you accept this agreement, I will send you a money order or certified cashiers check for the settlement amount of $XXXX in exchange for a full deletion of all references regarding this account from my credit profile and full satisfaction of the debt. This agreement is binding and will be void should you not hold up to your end of the agreement. Furthermore the debt will be deleted from my credit profile at all three credit bureaus, or the bureaus your company regularly reports to in the course of doing business. If you agree to the above, please acknowledge with your signature and return a copy to me. Upon receipt of this signed acknowledgment, I will promptly send you a money order or cashiers check in the amount stated above. Notice: This agreement is restricted. This is not a renewed promise to pay, but rather a restricted settlement offer only. By not signing below, you agree that the debt has not been renewed nor have any concrete written agreements been exchanged. Thank You. I look forward to resolving this matter in the best interest for both of our parties. Creditorâ??s Authorized Signature: _____________________ Date:____________ Name: ______________________ Title : _____________________________ ************************************************* Inquiry Dispute Letter ************************************************* «Company» «Address1» «Address2» «City», «State» «Zip» «Date» Dear Sir/Madame: This letter is a formal complaint that you are reporting inaccurate and incomplete credit information. I am distressed that you have included the below information in my credit profile and have failed to maintain reasonable procedures in your operations to assure maximum possible accuracy in the credit reports you publish. Credit reporting laws ensure that bureaus report only 100% accurate credit information. Every step must be taken to assure the information reported is completely accurate and correct. The following information therefore needs to be re-investigated. I respectfully request to be provided proof that these inquiries were in fact authorized with an instrument bearing my signature, and for legitimate business purposes. Failing that, the unauthorized inquiry must be deleted from the report as soon as possible: Name of Creditor/Agency, Account #_________ The listed inquiry was without authorization, and for no legitimate business purposes. As such, it is a very serious error in reporting. Please delete this misleading information, and supply a corrected credit profile to all creditors who have received a copy within the last 6 months, or the last 2 years for employment purposes. Additionally, please provide the name, address, and telephone number of each credit grantor or other subscriber. Under federal law, you have thirty (30) days to complete your re-investigation. Be advised that the description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the information is hereby requested as well, to be provided within 15 days of the completion of your re-investigation. Sincerely, ************************************************* *************************************************
Thanks for your contributions, rbrussell. Your letters have been added to the sample letters database that is accessible to registered users only. Lisa
I just got my TU report, and it shows an account that I don't recall having. It does have a zero balance but shows at one time had a balance. I do have a card from the same creditor Sears/CBSD. the one I'm wondering about shows the open date the same as my actual acct, the credit limit is different, and it has a different account number. How do I word a letter to the creditor about this? suzie
I wonder if the Sear/CBSD is for Citi Bank South Dakota as I do know the 2 are tied together and that would explain the account number being different, just a thought. Hope it helps)
I did a bit more investigation and my sears cards are now citibank, the account number belongs to my old premier card. It doesn't show closed, and the new account information is also on the report so how do I either get the 2 put together--prob not the acct #s are different--or get them to show the old one closed? I absolutely hate it when my cc are bought by another bank they always up the damn rates! suzie
I hope you have your answer. But, if not you certainly want to re-post this in a thread other than request for sample letters so members can answer this question. You need to dispute with the CRA's and with the original creditor if you haven't already done so in writing. Will be looking for your post.
Letter request Can somebody link me to a CRA letter requestiing the investigative procedures to determine a disputed debt verified?
Estoppel Letter Does anyone have a good example of an estoppel letter to follow the default of a validation request sequence of letters?
fraud altert - deceased spouse Does anyone have a form letter relating to requesting the agency to place a fraud altert on a deceased spouses report? I found some basic information elsewhere but want to be absolutely certain my letter is as concise as possible with the right information. I know the following should be included: Name DOB SS # copy of death cert. Is there anything else that I am missing? Any help / advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Lisa
an account that I don't recall having. It does have a zero balance Dear Suzie. I just joined the 'credit Talk Forum" and do not know if I am correctly replying. If I am not, forgive me. Going to your issue. The things you must know is the fact that the account in which have NO negative reporting (Late pymt. Charge-off, collection, etc.) with ZERO bal. are goo to have (especially if the account is OPEN). Just rememebr NOT to use the account. You must realize sometimes, other people's mistake will work in your favor.
how do I either get the 2 put together I would suggest do NOT close the account or put them together if the account is having positive impact. Pleas read my reply to your first inquiry at this board. If the account does not have late within the past 24 months, or charge-off, etc. with a credit limit BUT ZERO Bal. LEAVE THE ACCOUNT ALONE.