Why would a ca buy another ca's accounts?If one ca does not think the account is worth pursuing or worth suing why does another ca buy it and sue?Some accounts end up being sold numerous times to different ca's,WHY?
There are many reasons why debts get sold numerous times to different collection agencies. No matter how I tried I would never come up with all of them so I won't even try but here is one reason. Banks and credit card companies sell huge portfolios of junk debt to a JDB who is actually nothing but a broker. The bundles are usually broken up into different categories at that point. A debt that is less than maybe 90 days old since charge off are put in 1 category and those older than that in another (for instance) Each category is then broken up into smaller bundles and sold to other junk debt buyers according to the amount of money they are willing to bid on the bundles they want to specialize in. Then they will often break up the bundles they buy and sell the least desireable (to them) debts to other collection agencies and they may assign some of those to yet another collection agency or a company who is a subsidiary of theirs. No wonder you are asking the question you are asking.