Is old DOLA affecting my score

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Spydc, Feb 3, 2007.

  1. Spydc

    Spydc Member

    For some strange reason, my two citibank accounts are reporting on Equifax with dates of last activity being 12/2002 and 1/2003. These accounts were opened in 1998 and 1999 and I still use them today. The DOLA should be reporting as 2/2007. I have a feeling that this is impacting my EQ Scorepower in a negative way. What do you guys think? Should I dispute with EQ. I've tried the citibank credit disputes unit route but they never seem to fix the DOLA on EQ. Thanks for the help.
  2. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    Yes, I would dispute it with the credit bureaus. You could back it up with a digital photo of the current credit cards. You would want to redact all but the last 4 numbers on the cards by laying a strip of paper over all of the numbers except the last 4 then shooting with a digital camera. Print the photos and send them along as proof of the error in reporting. If you are familiar with graphical editing you can use a graphical editor to wipe out all the numbers except the last 4. That's easy to do.
  3. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Were you ever late on payments for these cards/accounts? The DOLA dates possibly could be "lates". You may want to inquire w/Citi just to be sure. IF everything is fine with the accounts, you should dispute the item. It does not appear you will have anything to lose.
  4. Spydc

    Spydc Member

    Actually, the tradelines were deleted from EQ a few years ago after I was disputed some lates. I should have gone the goodwill route first because Citi deleted the late history from both Experian and Transunion. I went through hell to try to get the tradelines back on EQ but the only issue i'm having now is the DOLA dates for the accounts; which makes them appear dormant. The accounts are reporting fine on both Transunion and Experian as I don't think they have a DOLA on there. Their version of DOLA is "status date" and it is correctly reflecting 2/2007.

  5. Spydc

    Spydc Member

    Okay.. Now Equifax is really getting on my nerves. I first sent the disputes to Citi's Credit Dispute unit advising them to please update the date of last activity because it is reporting as 12/2002 and 1/2003 for my two accounts on EQ. I received two letters from Citi claiming that they have done so..but nothing. Then I filed a dispute with EQ regarding the DOLA date and the investigation has finally completed and the DOLA dates are still 12/2002 and 1/2003. WTF!? The two accounts appear as massively dormant accounts and I don't think FICO is taking them into consideration or at the very least their positive effects on my score are not as high as if they would be if the DOLA dates were recent (i.e 2/2007). I don't know what to do now.

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