First off, thanks to everyone for the huge amount of information deposited on this board. I've spent a couple of days reading and learning and I think I am ready to take a stab at a few things. But first, I wanted to get any quick opinions from you folks here to make sure I am heading in the right direction. I am working on my wife's credit for an upcoming house buy in the next 6 months. Her score is in the 550-590 range, mostly due to: 1. Derogatroy Gas Company bill opened 01/25, AC is Progressive Mgmt bill $24 2. Derogatory Water Bill opened 11/2004, AC is Fin CR bill $79 *this one is a little trickier I think* 3. WFNNB/VCTRIA Charge Account in Collection/Chargeoff, opened 02/2002. ...High balance $144 Remarks from Experian: Unpaid balance reported as a loss by the credit grantor Remarks from Transunion: Charged off as bad debt My plan is to write the Originial Creditors of #1 and #2 and request a Letter of Deletion in return for the entire amount paid. #3. I'm not sure. THANKS for reading this and considering my issues. Once again, this is a great site with a lot of great people reading! -Floydilian
Update Since yesterday, I have put time into reading, reading, searching, reading here on credit net. My updated plan for these items is as follows: 1. Send validations letters to all 3 *wait 30 days* 2a. If validated (and I assume they would be) offer pfd letters 2b. If not validated, dispute with CRA's with green CMRRR slips and validations letters attached Thanks for reading, comments/critiques/suggestions always appreciated -Floydilian
If you have sent out the DV letters to all three creditors, you should NOW dispute the three tradelines with all the Credit Reporting Agencies (CRAs). This gives you leverage to pursue violations (of the process for credit reporting). You also never know, they may drop off. As a note, if you are intending a home purchase, you will be required to clean up these debts before any mortgage can be closed. Thankfully they are small amounts in your case, and should be easy to close out. You may even try "goodwill" attempts to request "Pay For Deletions" with these creditors. Usually utilities will do this for you. They are not as concerned with reporting as much as a credit card company would. Good Luck
Thanks Bizwiz - Thanks for the info. I will send out the letters of dispute to the CRAs as soon as I get the green cards back, and go from there. I really hope that the utilities will accept a pay for delete letter once they validate, but since the utilities have gone to collections, do I send the pay for deletes to them or to the AC? Maybe both. Thanks for the info about the mortgage - it is for exactly that reason that I am trying to resolve these issues. But I figured that I should go for the deletes, since the money is small and relatively incosenquential. Thanks again everybody, I'll update this post whenever anything happens for later c-net users. -Floydilian
You have to send the PFDs to whomever is listed on your credit reports. Most likely you will have to try to get both off your reports. Usually utilities don't report directly, they let the CAs do that. Being such small amounts I don't think you'll have too much trouble getting them off. If there were any extenuating circumstances (such as you moved and bills never forwarded, etc.) I would stress those points in your dealings with both the CAs and utilities.
Thanks again Thanks again Biz, those are exactly the circumstances I will describe in my pay for delete letters to the CAs. I guess I have plenty of proof that I moved, and my bills (at least for them) were never forwarded. Thanks! Floydilian
Utilities, at least gas and electric will often let you pay them directly if you do it right and then you can beat the collection agencies into submission fairly easily. If you have moved a long distance from the city where they are located it will be much more difficult because you have to almost be in their offices to make it work. You need a new address in that city so you drive around and find an older vacant house with a FOR RENT sign on it in a poor neighborhood. The more dilapidated it looks the better because it is likely to have a high turnover of renters. Then go to their pay windows and tell them you need to pay them off because you are needing new service at that dilapidated old rent house. They will say you have to pay their collection agency. The answer is that you are moving in now and must have the utilities on. Tell them the collection agency never called you and never sent no letters and you didn't know anything about the old bill you owed. Tell them that if they want to pay the collection agency that's their problem but you can't see why they would want to pay somebody that didn't do them any good. The real leverage that makes this work is that they can't deny you essential services if you are willing to pay them what you owe. Of course they are going to want a pretty big deposit on top of what you owe but when it comes down to paying that you say that you have signed a lease on the property but the landlord is doing some repairs which will take a couple more days and you will pay the deposit when you actually order the service to be turned on. Once you have paid the utility company then you can fight the collection agency off very easily. Simply tell them you don't owe the bill but don't offer to prove it. Tell them that if they want the money they are going to have to sue you for it. Tell them they had best get their false report off your credit because if they don't you will sue them. Then you can use the receipt you got from the utility company to prove to the CRA that you don't owe that bill the collection agency claims you owe. If was all a mistake on the part of the utility company. In most cities they don't report themselves. They let their collection agencies do that. It might work even if you don't go to their offices in person too. All you can do is try. You can say you are moving back to town next week and you don't want any problems with getting utilities turned on. Of course you will have to do it by phone. You can always get a newspaper from that city and look in the houses for rent section to get the address of a vacant house.
Thanks to everybody for the feedback! Here is an update: I sent validation letters to all 3 CAs and got 2 green cards back today. One of the CAs that sent me a validation letter (this is the one for the SoCal Gas Company for $24) also sent me a pretty straightforward validation letter. The last sentance is a bit confusing: "I will hold your account for 10 days for your response or the balance in full" What? Anyway, I am going to send this CA a very nice goodwill pay for delete letter and hope for the best. Thanks again for the help everybody. -Floydilian
Update Update: Today I sent pfd letters to the OC and the CA for the utility bill - and disputed the tradelines for the other CA's. I figured it couldn't hurt to offer pfd to the OC too, since if they accept I could just ask the CA to verify again, which of course they could not. Still no response on 2 out of 3 verification letters... the green cards say they have until March 9 to respond. I guess I am crossing my fingers that they don't! Alternately, now that the dispute letters are out maybe that will clear itself. I can always hope! Thanks for all your past and present advice! -Floydilian