What type of people work for ca's

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by peeper, Feb 10, 2007.

  1. peeper

    peeper Well-Known Member

    How many people on this board would like to work for a ca?How much would you want to be paid an hour?What benefits would you want?Would you find this sort of job interesting? fun? rewarding?Do you feel there is a real future in this sort of job?How desperate would you have to be before you would take a job with a ca?.If you are being harassed by a debt collector just think of the type of person your talking to.They call you and try to make you feel bad about yourself yet they work for a ca!Remember this if you find yourself talking to one of these people.
  2. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    Debt collectors aren't paid by the hour. They normally get a base pay plus a percentage of the amount they collect over and above their base pay. Usually they have to collect a certain amount of money (maybe $5,000 or $10,000 or more) above their base pay amount before they become eligible to get any bonus money at all. It is called their quota and they have to meet quota or get a very low base pay.
    Many collectors do. Maybe even most of them. Many youngsters fall into the trade because they need money for college and just keep on doing it simply because they do find it very rewarding.
    There can be.
    Many get into it because they find themselves out of work and can't find anything else.
    Well, what kind of person do you think is on the other end? Most of them aren't all that bright. They usually don't know how to think on their feet. They work from a canned script and if they are diverted from that script with questions they never recover. That tells me they aren't too bright. Quite frankly I'd guess that their I.Q. is about equal to their shoe size.

    If you don't accept that then just ask them for their name and then ask them for their real name. Most use an assumed name to hide their real identity. Ask them for their last name and that will be a false one too most of the time.
    If they can stumble through that one then demand their full and complete address including phone number, state and zip code. Next ask them for the name of the creditor, the account number, and the amount they claim you owe. If they can get that right then ask for their home address, home phone number and Social Security number. That last one will get them every time.

    Do they have to answer all those questions? Of course not but it sure does bust up their canned speeches and put them on the defensive for a change.
    So what is the advantage of that? Remember that quota they have to meet to get their bonus check? If they waste too much time on calls they won't get that bonus check and all their hard work will be wasted. They will get nothing for it and they can't afford that. It also ruins any chance they have to become abusive.
  3. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    I concur with CapOne here, very little of the lot can think on their feet. Then again, the world needs ditch diggers too . . . not everyone can be Steven Hawking.
  4. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    Ditch diggers and grave diggers alike have a unique occupational benefit for they always start at the top and work their way down. Most other trades have to start at the bottom and work their way up.


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