Some good news...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ghostgirl, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. ghostgirl

    ghostgirl Active Member

    In a current round of disputes, on my hubby's Experian we had disputed a 5 year old account with one 30 day late as not mine. I know it's not hurting his score but we wanted the derogatory file removed anyway. Instead, the OC updated the account as never late and it moved into positive accounts. :) We also straightened out a big loan that was reporting as closed and his score jumped from a 555 to a 617.

    We still have a ways to go, but it's a very nice step.
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Very good, it is always encouraging to hear success stories, keep up the good work!

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