Anyone have any experience in getting Public record..Irs lien removed from CRA. It is new and big 30,000 I have to make it go away somehow.....any thoughts along this line would be appreciated
I had two satisfied Judgements on my report. One from four years ago and one from last year. I disputed them and for whatever reason the old one was verified but the recent one was removed. In my state, a satisfied judgement cannot be reported after five years so I think I got really lucky. Other than that, from what I have read on this board, having public records removed is a roll of the dice. If you dispute and it comes back verified, it probably will for a long time.
COLLECTMAN is that your occupation ?? I intend to pay it. I have been trying to get this settled for over 4 years, spent thoushnds with JK Harris....waht a joke...what a waste of time and money. thanks WOOPS when it is all said and done, working on my third attempt at an offer in compromise, first one was the JK harris, big,big mistake, The second we left out one page that is required. I am offering $15,000.00 to settle. i think they will take that. And I will dispute it when it is paid, I understand from other forums on here that CRA's can't really verify, because they buy that info from a third party, but tell you they verify with the court....."courts do NOT report or update the public records. so gonna fight it till hell freezes over. Just hoping to hear from some who have fought the fought and how it went. So still looking for others that have fought the fight to chime in
I will continue to moniter this thread also, maybe someone will chime in with an idea I can use to eliminate the remaining record.
All I can add is "Good Luck"; IRS liens are perhaps the toughest to get off once they are on your report. And that leads me to the first question: Is this lien being reported now? Has the IRS enacted the lien against you? I read about your activity for an OIC, and therein lies part of the answer. It is best to add the clause of no CRA reporting BEFORE you pay. I overlooked this in my lien with the IRS, and once the lien was on my reports, it doesn't come off without a lot of work. IF the lien is filed, and being reported, there is a form you can submit requesting removal of a federal tax lien. Again this is difficult, as you have to have evidence of an error or mistake on the part of the IRS, or you have to prove "it is in the benefit of the American public" to have it removed. If you have NOT paid yet, the "benefit" is that it is easier to get a loan to pay your past tax bill (with a better credit report), and America gets more money. Otherwise, it is nearly impossible to get the lien removed. In my dealings, I was actually told that the time to negotiate the clause of not reporting is before you pay. The IRS agreed that I hurt myself (as far as credit reporting) by paying off the lien first. You do have to pay this off, but if you have not paid it yet, negotiate for no credit reporting as part of the settlement. It may help to say you will have to borrow the money to pay, and that you will need as strong a credit report as possible. If you would like the IRS form for "Request for Removal of Fedral Tax Lien", let me know by responding, and I will post it for you. Please not that this is a few years old, and you may want to check the IRS website for the latest forms. You also should check the full IRS website for all the information you can on your situation. There is a tremendous amount of information available, and you should also contact a tax advacancy representative to discuss your case. Good Luck, but again take care of this issue, but do your homework first before agreeing to any committment.
thanks bizwhiz41 "Request for Removal of Fedral Tax Lien", please do forward this to me. the OIC was refused because we omitted one page and are about ready to resubmit. but befor submitting do you think contacting a tax payer advocate prior to resubmiting would be helpful or foul things up. it seems the left hand has no idea what the left hand is doing. the irs placed a garnishment on my wages and i thought ok thids is over it will get paid, I can live with that. but with the lien to pay it off quickly will be most impossible. and hevean forbid i should have to look for a new job or xtra job to help pay . A irs tax lien is POISION
Here is the form for "Request for Withdrawal of Federal Tax Lien: Copy and paste this IRS website into your browser, and it should take you to the forms where all these are listed. Please make sure you read all the instructions. I would search the IRS website for all the documents surrounding Federal Tax Liens. You can also search the site for the Taxpayer Advocay locations and contacts.