Hello! Have a TU related question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Tegleg, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone, I am new here but have been studying credit repair for 3 monthes now.

    And there is still much for me to learn I have found.

    I had a Chap 7 in 2002, I didn't know anything about my reports until I tried to get prequalified for a mortgage and was declined. I signed up for a triple report monitoring service and was appalled at all the incorrect info there was on my reports, no wonder I got denied. I did a few online disputes with Exp back in 9/06, they came back verified so I figured I needed to learn more.

    I started learning and read till my eyeballs bled then read more on self credit repair.

    I opted out 2 monthes ago and disputed old names & addys 1 month ago. I planned all my disputes ahead of time, what to dispute for, med CA accts to HIPPA etc etc.

    Experian removed some but not all of the names & addys. They refused to delete my previous married name. All TL's are still present and I have started initial disputes on them after pulling an actual Experian credit report.

    Equifax removed all except my previous married name and old addresses associated with my previous married name. I have started initial disputes with them also after pulling an actual Equifax report.

    TU has me confused. They removed all previous names but not all the addys. The kicker is that they removed all the TL's associated with my previous married name.

    I researched and prodded and found that I may have a split TU file. I called TU about an addy issue and asked the CSR to check my file and SSN for "ghost reports". She said none showed except the current report I was seeing online. I asked for a copy of my report to be sent to me and received it yesterday. It looks like the one online. The TL's are still gone.

    I am not complaining, most of those TL's I wanted removed but not if they will bite me later! I pulled an actual TU report online for disputing purposes (TL's still gone) but when I went to dispute it online it asked me for info (last name, etc etc) I entered all that correctly and was denied, after rechecking my info I submitted again and was denied again. Now I am locked out of it.

    I am wondering if my file is split and noone is seeing it, would that account for being locked out from disputing?

    TU really has me baffled.
    Thanks for any insight,
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2007
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    You may be locked out of the TU site for a few reasons; if I remember correctly, the TU site will lock you out after a certain number of disputes. After that you must submit them in written form. Also, make sure the information you enter matches how it is published on your credit report.

    I do not think you have a split file, since you seem to be getting the same information. If you did have a split file, TU would be able to tell you by doing a search for all files under your vital information. You may want to call and request that.

    As for the removed TLs, they will not reappear. TU is pretty good about removing TLs, and if any are reinserted, by law you must be notified. Again, TU is pretty good about this practice.

    You seem to have a well organized plan, my advice is stick to your plan. You are doing the correct processes and procedures. Credit repair takes some time, and a lot of work. Discipline is key to follow the process, and your plan.
  3. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    Thank you Bizwiz41!

    That is there clearest answer I have gotton. I will do as you suggested. Luckily there are only 3 to dispute on TU. The majority are on Equifax & Experian and are debts reporting as active debts that I included in Chap 7.

    Although I don't want the old debts back on TU I will send them another request to check my report and information again to be sure. I would rather deal with it now than have a loan officer pull it later and deny me a mortgage again. I remember falling out of my chair when those TL's just disappeared when they took my old name off. Everything associated with my current name is still there. So if it was split I think it would be showing differently than it actually does. Then I thought, ok whats wrong, I can't be that lucky, I never am.

    I've started the other part of repair as well, I have some positive tl's going now, not much but it's a start. In 6 monthes I'll apply for a few more. Hoping to possibly start looking at another prequalification around that time.

    I feel better now. Thank you!

  4. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    You'd be amazed at what can happen, and yes, sometimes you do get lucky! (I know because the same thing happened to me with TU!)
  5. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    Good to hear! How long has it been for you with your TU drop?

    I just mailed off my disputes to TU, I thought about calling but I am awful on the phone so I thought by mail would be better.

    On the other hand a post bk foreclosure (my baddest postbk debt) was deleted off Experian today!!! Omg!! I couldn't beleive it! I disputed it with Equifax too but they are slow. It's not present on TU.

    This was such a lift. I was really getting discouraged as this is massive work!
    I'm waiting dispute results then I'm prepared to pfd some post bk debts if they come back verified and I am hopeful to get all postbk stuff removed and have the pre bk debts either IIB or deleted.

    My scores after that along with my positive tradelines reporting should be about as good as I'll get for awhile.

    I am currently
    EQ FICO 589
    TU Fako 598
    ExpFako 575

    They took a bit of a drop when I app'd for the positive TL's.
    I am just wondering how much of an increase I can expect after the post bks are dropped and the pre bk's fixed or deleted.

    I am full of questions all the time, I never stop lol.

  6. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    It has been many years for me with TU, so I don't think you have any worries.

    Be patient with the disputes, often the longer it takes for the reply, the better off you are. Remember, the CRAs have the 30 day window to work with for the response. If they are waiting, and receive no response within the timeframe, then it usually is deleted. So, no immediate reply is often a good thing.

    I would keep going on the disputes, and try some "goodwill" requests for removal. I encourage you to keep up the repiar work, as your scored are close to breaking the 600 mark. Once you get over 620, the loans you can get are at a better interest rate. If you have any balances on your accounts, you should try to pay them off completely, this will strongly increase your scores.
  7. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    Thank you bizwiz41, you are awesome!


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