Creditors Obligation after Dispute

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Ray75, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. Ray75

    Ray75 Member

    If I have disputed a trade line that has come up verified, must the creditor report it as disputed thereafter. If so, for how long? I disputed some items a while back, many were removed. However, the ones that were not removed do not contain a notation that it is disputed. Please help me understand the creditors obligation regarding this. Thanks.
  2. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    It's required to be notated that the account is disputed.

    The caveat is that it not being reported that way would only be a 623(a) violation which isn't actionable; until after you've disputed it not being reported as being disputed, then if it's verified that its not disputed, then it would be a 623(b) violation which is actionable...
  3. haybreez

    haybreez Well-Known Member

    Good question, I think I have a few that do not say disputed, I will have to dispute that, now. I always thought that it was the CRA that added that info.
  4. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Well, there are not one, but two 'dispute' notations...

    The DF *MUST* report that the debt is disputed if it is disputed...

    However, the CRA *MUST* report that the debt is disputed if it is disputed, and the consumer advises the CRA that the DF's response to the dispute didn't resolve the dispute.
  5. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    To clarify, the account must be noted in dispute (by the creditor) if you disputed it directly with the creditor/information furnisher. If you disputed the tradeline only with the CRA, they do not have to label the tradeline "disputed" after the creditor has "verified" the information.

    You do have the right to request how the investigation was conducted, and you do have the right to dispute directly with the creditor. Adherence to this section of the FCRA by data furnishers is weak generally. Only a few comply completely with this requirement.

    If you dispute directly with the creditor, they must report "disputed by consumer" until it is resolved. After they must report dispute was resolved.

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