Calvary Portfolio Lurking in the Shadows

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Opus500, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. Opus500

    Opus500 Active Member

    Sorry all...I broke the newbie cardinal rule yesterday when I registered and began asking questions before reading reading reading! After reading much today, including some newbie guidelines, I decided I would continue in those threads I posted but refrain from other questions unless I found something I could not find the answer to...and, well, I have....and your responses may not only help me, but maybe other members.

    After pulling my 3 CRAs, I seem to have Calvary Portfolio Services lurking around getting ready to pounch on me for something and I cannot find a forum or thread to speaks to what is going on.

    To go back on my Credit History just in brief, the only things I can think of for these catfish might to try to suck up are:

    1) Applied Bank Card - opened 1999 with last payment 10/02, Charge Off Bad Debt.
    Major disputes coming here, starting with the Not Me letters....CRAs showing credit limit of $900 with $1556 Charged off. This was a $300 limit CC I took due to a 1993 bankruptcy (long gone from CR) and when the dot.bomb I was working for shutdown in 2002 I fell behind and made a supposed "Settlement" with an Applied agent over the phone in Oct of 02, which is where that last payment came from. They never considered that a settlement - what a heel I was.

    2) CRapital One Card - opened 1996 with last payment in Nov 2000, Charge off Bad Debt with a remaining and past due balance of $454.
    I have to work on this...they did file a judgement against me in court. When I received notice, I call and arranged to pay a "Settlement" to have the judgment pulled. Looking at my recent CRA reports, they must have never pulled the court case, because TU is carrying the public record...thank goodness right now, the other two aren't.

    There is a 1997 car repo which never showed on any of my CRAs, but the car was about a year from being paid off, we surrendered the car without fight and when the CA called, my wife made a payment plan which we paid for some time until satisfied. If you were to tell me my life depended on finding all of that documentation, I would just roll over and groan. If you read my earlier newbie violating threads, in 1997 we had a child born with major heart defects (At 10 years old now, the doc says he'll never play football, but he can certainly be another Tiger Woods) and we spent the first three years of his life in and out of the hospital for months at a time. I have great record keeping up until that point, and then again after about 2002, but between that, pretty grey.

    okay, anyway, about this time last year, my sister calls me from Boston (I'm in DC and have been all of my life - same address for last decade too) and says she had a call from a company named Calvary the hell they got her number I do not know, but they are good. She says they want to verify my address and phone, yada yada, and bless her heart, she says she has no idea who I am. About two weeks later, my dad calls...he lives in the Shennandoah Mtns - same scenario...then two weeks later, my sister here in DC and then one of my brothers out west.

    I go online and I look up Calvary and find forums where folks are talking about what bloodsuckers they are, re-aging old uncollectable debts, tell my wife to accept no calls from them and call my family to explain we are not in finacial trouble again like we were when the baby was born and the wife could not go back to work.

    I have had no calls from them here, but of course, I also have Call Intercept on the phone service, nor have I had any letters. Off I go two weeks ago pulling my CRAs to begin this wonderful journey of review and repair when low and behold, inquiriies from Calvary out the ying yang on all three of my CRA reports beginning last year...oops - beginning 2005. (Okay, only 1 on TU, but multiple on the other 2)

    AM I RIGHT IN ASSUMING that these two charged off CC accounts, both of which show last payment in 2000 and 2002 also show last activitiy in 2005 and 2006 respectively???? Are they the activity in 05 and 06 and are they re-aging my accounts? You know, my dad has always said "Boy, you ain't paranoid if someone really IS following you".

    Any insight into the obvious circling of the sharks here? Calvary's last inquiry to EQ was THIS MONTH....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. What is about to happen????

    Again, if it helps me, it will certainly help others, and I have not been able to locate any possible answers on the site.


    Last edited: Mar 15, 2007
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    "inquiries from Calvary out the ying yang on all three of my CRA reports beginning last year...oops - beginning 2005. (Okay, only 1 on TU, but multiple on the other 2) "
    How many, over what period of time?

    What is SOL for CC debt in your state?

    What is SOL for, presumably, written contract (car loan) in your state? When was the last payment made on the repo?

    When was the judgement entered?

    When were the original dates of delinquency on the non-judgement debts, which would determine the 7 year reporting period?

    Approx. what are the alleged, reported, or estimated remaining balances on these 3 debts? What is it worth to a debt collector?
  3. Opus500

    Opus500 Active Member


    Thanks for chiming in!

    SOL in VA for CC is 5 years - Written debt is the same
    Last payment on repo approx 2001

    Judgment entered 4/2002 Crap One in CRichmond, VA District Court - only shows on TU report

    Original dates of deliquency
    Mazda Amer Credit - Auto loan - 1997
    Applied BC - it went 180 days in Nov 02
    Crap One - went 180 on Jan 02

    Mazda - $0.00
    Applied - Bal: $1,456, Past Due: $1,456 Charge Off Amt: $1,556
    Last reported 3/06
    Crap One- Bal: $454, Past Due: $454 Charge Off $790
    Last reported 01/05

    Hard Inquiries by Calvary
    06/06/06 - figures!


    Equifax - No Hard or Soft Inquireies

    Soft Inquireis
    03/2007 - creeps me out
    6/2006 - slow month for them?

    I was wrong - nothing in 2005...3/2006 is the first, same time as the last report from Applied Bank Card....hmmmmmm

    I hope this helps and I certainly appreciate your time, efforts and thoughts!
  4. Opus500

    Opus500 Active Member

    Does Anyone have any idea what these bottom feeders are about to do?

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