Anyone ever accept a personal loan from them?? Was offered 8,000 at 6% for 3 years..just curious anybody dealt with them before?? Thanks!
Only thing I can find is, . From the website looks like a decent company, reading the news and stories.
It's actually not Kennedy Funding..Kennedy Lending Services - they are supposed to cater towards credit challenged.
Thanks for your input. They offered me a $8,000 loan BUT they want 5 months of payments up front from me (1,210) & then my first payment would be due on the 6th month. I am just weary of a company asking for money up front.
THANK YOU...Just did - thanks for the tidbit! "Unsatisfactory Record" - I think I'll skip this offer - have a bad feeling. Do you by chance know of any reputable bad-credit (hard money type) lenders out there?? I have been turned down by Citifinancial & Beneficial & am really wanting to consolidate all my little credit cards..thanks for any advice!
"BUT they want 5 months of payments up front from me (1,210) & then my first payment would be due on the 6th month." Sounds like the classic advance loan fee scam. Offer $7K to $10K, but require $600 to $1200 up front as "fees", "insurance", or "advanced payments", often wired by Western Union to Canada. FTC just shut down a bunch of these guys, but there are more out there.
For completeness, from BBB: "The Better Business Bureau® Serving Florida's West Coast P.O. Box 7950 Clearwater, FL 33758-7950 (727) 535-5522 (24 Hours) Kennedy Lending Services 5201 W Kennedy Blvd Tampa, FL 33609 Telephone: (888) 360-9551 Fax: (813) 639-8001 The BBB reports on members and non-members. If a company is a member of the BBB, it is stated in this report BBB Definition: report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB membership information, and Bureau complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues or other information that results from activity conducted by the BBB. Principal: Mr. Robert Weston CEO Customer Contact: Mr. Robert Weston CEO - (888) 360-9551 File Open Date: March 2007 TOB Classification: Advance Fee Brokers BBB Membership: This company is not a member. According to BBB files, this company is not located at the address of 5201 W Kennedy Blvd, Tampa, Florida, which is the address that the company lists in communications with consumers. Customer Experience Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record BBB Definition: unsatisfactory record - A company has an "unsatisfactory business performance record" with the Bureau is based on the experiences reflected in BBB files. This file condition results when the company has failed to resolve or respond to complaints, repeatedly failed to respond or resolve issues in a timely manner, failed to resolve the underlying issues for a pattern BBB Definition: pattern - More than 2 complaints involving the same allegations usually within 12 months that are significant in relation to the company's size and volume of business. of complaints, failed to honor their commitment to mediate or arbitrate disputes or honor mediated agreements or arbitrated decisions, failed to substantiate, modify or discontinue false advertising claims BBB Definition: advertising claims - The Better Business Bureau reviews business advertising, (newspaper, magazine, TV, radio, internet) routinely to ensure that it is truthful and ethical. Claims in advertising are measured against basic advertising principles of the BBB Code of Advertising BBB Definition: BBB Code of Advertising - which was developed to guide advertisers, advertising agencies and advertising media. that are challenged by the BBB, or failed to discontinue unauthorized use of the BBB name and logo, a Federally protected trademark. with the Bureau due to a pattern BBB Definition: pattern - More than 2 complaints involving the same allegations usually within 12 months that are significant in relation to the company's size and volume of business. of complaints. The Bureau has recently received complaints stating that consumers are required to pay an up front fee to obtain a loan from the company. Once the fees are paid, the consumers have never received the promised loan nor have consumers received any promised refunds. As of March 22, 2007, the company has 20 pending complaints. This number is in addition to the number of closed complaints detailed in this report BBB Definition: report - A summary of activity reflected in a company's BBB file. Includes basic business background, BBB membership information, and Bureau complaint activity over the previous three years. Also reports may include any known government actions, advertising issues BBB Definition: advertising issues - Claims alleging print or electronic media advertised claims or practices misrepresent the service or product offer. or other information that results from activity conducted by the BBB. When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints. The Bureau processed a total of 1 complaint about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 1 complaint closed in 36 months, 1 was closed in the last year. Contract Issues BBB Definition: Contract Issues - Claim of alleged failure to honor contract or agreement, work performed without authorization, or invalid contract. Unpursuable BBB Definition: Unpursuable - The company cannot be located or is out of business. 1 - Company cannot be located. Competency Licensing This company is in an industry that may require licensing, bonding or registration in order to lawfully do business. The Bureau encourages you to check with the appropriate agency to be certain any requirements are currently being met. Company Management Additional company management personnel include: Mr. John D. Patrick - Chief Adjuster Mr. Paul Fischer - Loan Representative ..."
Kennedy Lending Services I just googled to see if anything came up. Back in March '07 I was SCAMED by them!!!!!! They offered me a loan for a low interest rate, but I had to send money up front to cover my first 3 payments. I really don't know what I was thinking but I did send them $759.00 western union and never got my loan. DO NOT SEND ANYONE MONEY UPFRONT FOR A LOAN!!!!
File the proper complaints with the attorney general's office, better business bureau, etc. I doubt you'll ever see your money but they obviously need to be shut down. Look into filing a complaint with the FBI.