Need help before dispute.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tplaya07, Mar 24, 2007.

  1. tplaya07

    tplaya07 New Member

    Firstly, I just want to say thanks to everyone here who is willing to take the time to help myself and others get their credit and their lives back on track. Though I haven't posted here much, reading through many of the threads over the past year or so, and using the knowledge provided by you guys, has helped me boost my (FICO) credit score from a measley 520ish at the beginning of last year, to a 687 this year (woohoo!!).

    On to my issue...I have a Cap1 account that shows discrepencies in some of the dates listed under the "Reported Since", "Date of Status", and "Account History" sections of my Experian credit reports. On the Experian report I pulled and printed from last year, it claimed the "Date of Status" to be 06/2005, while my most recent states 05/2005. The one I have a big problem with though, is the "Reported Since" value for last year's CR was 04/2002, while my most recent CR states this to be 06/2004. So, if I am to assume correct, someone changing the values being reported in this field is causing my 7 year SOL to be pushed back by over two years. My newest credit report claims this item will not be deleted until 9/2011!
    One more thing I am unsure of is that under the "Account History" section for this account, it shows "Charge Off as of March 2007, Feb 2007, etc...." and then goes on to list 10 more different dates. How many times is an account charged off? And does this affect the 7 year SOL date in any way.

    Thanks in advance for the help, and I can provide more info if necessary.
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    First, Cap1 is very hard to get removed from your credit reports, so please keep that in mind.

    However, if you have not disputed this account (w/Experian), then I suggest you dispute this account as "Not Mine" first. You do not have to provide any details at this point. Either dispute it on-line, or submit in writing (sending Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested-CMRRR).

    You have enough questions about this account (as reported) to dispute as "Not Mine". Let that dispute process, and await results. If they "verify" the account, and the information remains, then you must start disputing the details of the tradeline reporting.

    But, one step at a time, dispute as "Not Mine", and go from there. If it comes back as verified, repost with the investigation results, and we'll guide you from there.

    Good Luck....
  3. tplaya07

    tplaya07 New Member

    Thanks for the reply...
    I actually did dispute this account as "Not Mine" last year, when I did the blanket disputes on all negaitve items on my CR. And it did come back verified. How should I go about disputing the inconsistent dates listed for this account, as mentioned in my intial post? I am especially concerned with the fact that the "Reported Since" value got pushed back over 2 years, and now my 7 year SOL is not until 2011...when it should be removed in 2009.
  4. tplaya07

    tplaya07 New Member

    Anyone ???
  5. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    Is the account yours?
  6. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    At this point, I would do two things concurrently:

    1) Call Cap1 and request the information on the account (as they say they are reporting it) (and keep detailed notes of conversation, time and date of call, to whom you spoke with, title, etc.),

    2) Dispute the individual items with the CRAs in writing, detailing errors in reporting, send written dispute Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested (CMRRR).

    If the dispute results come back as "verified" for the later dates, then you have the documentation to go after Cap1 with. You can then send a request to Cap1 for validation of the information, in specific, requestingt the "Date of First Major Deliquency", which sets the clock for reporting SOLs for charged off accounts.

    The "Reported Since" date sometimes changes, as furnishers will sometimes drop some old information. Your concern is the "Date of First Major Deliquency" reported, and "Date Of Last Activity".

    I assume too much time has gone by to request a letter of "How Verified" from the CRAs. So, you will have to start the process over again.

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