TERI loan

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by JimG, Mar 26, 2007.

  1. JimG

    JimG Well-Known Member


    I'm trying to finish a degree and need to borrow $6k for my final two classes.

    Anybody know what credit score I need for a TERI loan?

    I was denied about a year ago when my scores were 560's, now that I'm at 640's I'm wondering if I can make it.

    Related question: Will my scores take a hit if I get a new student loan the way they would if I got a new CC?
  2. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    You should be able to get the loan with out a co-app. You score shouldn't change much at all, student loans impact your score differently.
  3. JimG

    JimG Well-Known Member

    Thanks, that's encouraging.
  4. Trilivonel

    Trilivonel Well-Known Member

    How does student loans effect credit scores differently? I have a high amount of loans and my credit scores range from 639-657.
  5. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

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