Reads as follows, What should I do? COLLECTRON 2 03/03 11/0 1 $905 COLL B $90 5 $905 1 0 0 0 COLLECTION 788001 U N K $- XP B ORIGINAL CREDITOR: FALLS SOPE CREEK COLLECTRON OF ATLA 02/07 11/0 1 $905 COLL B $90 5 $905 45 0 0 0 COLLECTION 7932 09/01 0 0 1 $- XP/TU/EF B ORIGINAL CREDITOR: FALLS SOPE CREEK
You should do two things: 1) Write "Collectron" and request validation for BOTH listings 2) Dispute both tradelines to Credit Reporting Agencies as "Not Mine" Await results, if dispute comes back verified (on both) then you have legal grounds to go after Collectron for illegal reporting and collection practices.
Not to hijack, but can someone confirm for me then that I shouldn't have a charge off account from OC and a collection account for the same debt? And then that my best bet is to dispute both with CRA's as "Not Mine" and request validation for both from the CA?
I had a charge off account with a OC and then I had a CA account for the same debt, well I made a settlement with the CA and it states Paid in settlement but the OC still shows charge off, account transferred
Yes you will. The OC will show the balance was transferred or sold. The CA will be reporting the new TL with a balance that is owed.