Is it wise to use a professional credit repair service or is this unneccessary - Should i just try and attempt repair on my own? Any advise??
I did it on my own, utilizing information found on the Internet, for free. If the service is free, why not? I honestly feel like paying a service is like kicking a dog when it's already down.
Thanks so much..i'm just trying to get back in the swing here....i have no idea where to start. Did you also claim a bankruptcy?
I have two dismissed Chapter 13's... I have been trying on my own and have been having a hard time with it. I had one 13 deleted from my Transunion report, but I have medical collections on TU that are showing I also am wondering whether or not I should use a company like Lexington Law Firm or something. Good Luck to you!
There is nothing they do that you cannot do yourself for free other then postage stamps. I have worked hard at this and wiped out 40 OC/CA's on EQ alone in 1 year. Each and every one of them had errors on my report and they wouldnt fix them, so I forced them to go bye bye forever. Consumer who know the law can take out most OC's and CA's without little or no trouble, Why? Because they do not follow the laws, they love to break them and they still do not know what to do when a consumer is armed and dangerous with the credit laws. Once you learn you can take them down one by one. Do not pay anyone, they lie just like most CA's do. Promise you one thing and do the opposite. Wow, I think mortgage brokers and CA's should all get together, or did they in a class ? on how to lie, screw people over and make money at it. Do it yourself, it can be done.
hey credit1... the accounts that you were able to get removed.... did they belong to you and you wanted to remove to to CA violations or were they erroneous reports that shouldn't have been on your report in the first place. My situation is that while I do have the accounts and collections... the information that is on my reports for many of them is incorrect, such as the amounts, dates etc...that is where my dilemma is. I'm sure I just need to keep reading through all of the threads.
Law states your credit report has to be 100% accurate, nothing less. If you find an error and they won't fix it, it's bye bye. They had there chance and blew it, advantage of us knowing the laws. CA's make tons of mistakes and I have been lucky to always find them and take them out when they do. Lets just say, if they is no mistakes, I will find a way to force one because they forget to follow the laws. It's your report, is must be 100% accurate or it goes. For instance, I had a CA report a collection that is out of SOL, they did not even send me a dunning letter, I wrote them, they responded by then sending me a dunning letter, alittle too late, I send another DV and they kinda forgot to mark it as disputed and then starting calling me after the DV had a cease and desist inside. They are now deleted from all 3 and are sending me a check for 1k for calling me on my cell phone with records to prove it. " continued collection activity after cease and desist" Should have went for 2k, not marking in dispute is another 1k penalty.