I know I'm just getting started and I have to be patient. It just made my heart sink when I rec'vd the email alert from myfico telling me that my credit score dropped -7 points due to new inqs. ( two inqs as a result of credit apps) well one was for another cc, and the 2nd one was the req'd identity verifcation for the Target Red Card, I got the approval and account number for that on Sunday. I also did the CJ, which I know doesn't pull and inq.. .but man I just picked something simple to order and paid the down payment so I can get that reporting... geez......I REALLY have ALOT of work to do!!! so now I'm at 496.. not even a measley 500...oh man, well Rome wasn't built in a day. Thanx for reading...or not...just had to vent.
I forgot to add that I was 523 on 3/21/07, then went to 503 on 3/29/07 and the reported reason for the change/decrease was that my an address on my CR changed... I was able to get all old addys' from when I was in college deleted, I thought it was a good thing, I guess NOT in my case.
I'm right there with you. Its all I think about is getting this behind me. Oh well one day at a time.
How long have you lived at your address? I thought it was 5 years and older that you didn't need to have the old address' on there?
* I have had the same physical addy for 3 yrs now, and have also a PMB that I use for all bills etc* Alert: The address or phone number listed on your credit report has changed Your current address has changed on your credit report This decrease in your FICO® score happened on the same day as a change on your Equifax Credit Report� which triggered an alert. Most likely, the decrease was caused by the credit report change, but this is not always the case. Your score may have dropped because of some change on the credit report that was not reported as an alert. Also, if multiple changes on the credit report happened on the same day, some may have helped the score while others hurt it.
You're paying too much attention to the hole, and not to the donut. Getting things back in order is a marathon race, not a sprint. You'll have ups and downs of risks scores all the time - no need for 'sinking hearts'. It's just like the stock market: you can't "SELL, SELL, SELL" every time your stock dips a couple of bucks. You've got to be in it for the long haul.
Being impatient will hurt you long term, you have to think long term with short baby steps, if not you will go crazy with this. I have had my ficos drop as much as 96 points in one day and more then 75 rise another. It's a roller coaster, the end result of hard work and effort will get you to the point you want to be, ya just gotta wait it out. It will be ok, just keep your eye on the ball and your end goal and it will come sooner then you think.