NO Beacon Score

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by rbrussell, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. rbrussell

    rbrussell Well-Known Member

    I tried to buy a car this weekend, and when the dealership pulled my credit report, it looked good. However, when they tried to pull my beacon score, NO score came up. Its not that a LOW score was provided; there was honestly NO score! The dealership guessed the reason this issue was due to 2 active disputes I have listed on my report. However, I called TransUnion and Equifax, and they said that disputes do not impact, or hinder, creditors from receiving scores.

    Can you give me any feedback or insight on this scenario? I dont know where to go with this.
  2. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    If you pull your own report, does it give you a score?
  3. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Disputes should have no effect on your score (or lack of). Are you sure they entered you identifying information correctly? Are you sure the personal information on your reports is correct?

    It sounds like something is not reconciled here, that identifying information was not provided.
  4. rbrussell

    rbrussell Well-Known Member

    I can pull my score, and I also contacted the 3 main CRA's. They supported my belief that there is no reason a score was unavailable. I know they had the right info, but I wonder if they used a third party to pull the score. If so, maybe there is a problem on their end. I was just curious to see if this has happened to anyone else.
  5. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    The only other possible reason was a computer or network issue that would not allow access.
  6. cf121

    cf121 Active Member

    As a mortgage lender, I've seen scenarios where there's no score, even though it seems there should be. When you pull your own score, where are you getting it from? Be advised that with these sites like Truecredit, you're not getting your "official" score...have you tried

    I recently had a situation where a buyer had nothing on credit except a bunch of old collections. One of the bureaus was misreporting it as a credit line, and this was enough to give him a mid-600 score (the other two bureaus gave him no score.) This was enough for automated underwriting to give a conforming approval....

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