I am near the 700+ mark on all 3 CRA's and have 5-7 negatives that will fall-off in the next year. They are legitimate accounts, but old. I am eager to have these items removed to increase my score for a potential mortgage at the end of 2007. Are these worth fighting, or should I just let sleeping dogs lie? What would be a valid arguement to have these removed? I have seen: dispute as obsolete, dispute as not mine, dispute as paid and they agreed to remove. Should I try validating all these old accounts CRRR? Letter of goodwill? I'm a little impatient as I have waited for years to get to this point. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Depends... If they are CA's and you don't dispute the debt, then my $.02 would be to pay them with a PFD. Once you wake them up (e.g. by validation), you'll have to do something because they'll know you're anxious (or you wouldn't be making a fuss about them) and will hold out 'til the last minute for the best deal. If you still dispute the debt, you could start validating which may cause one or two to drop off but you should plan on having to fight each one in court. Or, you could just leave them alone. I had a collection account that was 5 yrs old finally taken off (after a bunch of letters and hand wringing) and was rewarded with only a 10-point FICO improvement. That's because old collections, while bad, don't count for much. A recent collection, OTOH, like the one that I've been fighting for the past 4 months, has cost me about 70 FICO points. Recent things like credit-card balances vs. limits and recent "late pays" or collections count MUCH more, point-wise. So, if they are low-value and really old, you might actually be better off just letting them dry-up and blow away on their own.
If your objective is your FICO score, and increasing it, then be careful here. Exactly how OLD are the accounts? You run the risk of LOWERING your FICO score with deleting these accounts! There is a cross over point, where an old "negative" is worth more to your FICO score due to adding age to your accounts, than it does with the negative effect, which decreases with age. If the accounts are paid, then I may leave them alone when pursuing a mortgage. If they are not paid, then the mortgage lender will require they be paid before any lending. The mortgage company will look at your credit score primarily. The best thing you can probably do is ensure your balances are as low as they can be. This would have the strongest impact on your score. Again, if these accounts are 6 years old, and paid, then they are probably helping your FICO score with adding "account history".
Thanks for the replies. I would really like to clean up some of these loose items today. 1 have 2 collection accounts that I am thinking of PFD. I have another collection account that will not be removed until June '08. This account I would like removed immediately. What would be my best course of action? I am afraid that no matter what I do, I have to wait until this falls off next year. I don't mind paying it, if I can have it deleted, but if I can't, I'm not sure I have any options. How would you proceed?
Just sticking my nose in but are any of these medical accts? The lender I am working with says medical accts are rarely looked at mortgagewise. If you need to PFD get educated on how to do it properly, do some searches for info on it before you do it. Otherwise you may end up with a paid, 0 balance collection which is better than an unpaid one but isn't your true goal of making them go away. Some programs, like FHA aren't score driven at all and a bit more forgiving credit wise but your scores seem pretty good so you may qualify for some great rates! Good luck! Tegleg
Tegleg - Thanks for the advice. To be honest, I got turned down for a possible mortgage due to my collections, even with ~700 scores. 1 of these accounts is a medical collection. Another is an old utility bill from 2000. These 2 I could easily take care, but fear I may be doing more harm than good. I find it rediculous, that I see people on this board wanting to make payments for past debts, but don't for fear of re-aging, restarting the SOL, etc. - including myself. The system is flawed. I have read many PFD letters and I am considering that course, but how much water do these really hold? They sign the paper and say ok, but don't delete, then what? Do I try to sue for not removing an $84 utility bill from 2000? Seems to be one big game and the consumers are losing. For something that controls a persons livliehood, you would think their would be stricter regulations. I have paid past debts, and would like to pay more. I have been punished for over 6 years now. I think I have done my time on an $84 balance that I believe I paid a long time ago. If I knew for a fact that I could pay my past debts (collections), and they wouldn't re-age or start the SOL over, and not effect my credit score, and they would fall off per the guidelines - I would send the checks tomorrow. Sorry for the rant - I'm frustrated and tired!
No problem at all. I sent you a pm, hope you don't mind. Just wanted to share info that I found Tegleg
How many mortgages have YOU had APPROVED while having active, unpaid, past due medical accounts (or any accounts, for that matter) on your credit history? ALL unpaid, past due, derogatory accounts will be "looked at" when you're trying to obtain a mortgage. Lenders want them paid off.
I myself have 2 old medical CA's (2004) that I have disputed because insurance was to have been paid. The FHA lender I am currently working with told me that the med accts would not be considered in the loan approval process. Whether that is right or wrong it's what a lender told me. And I was told if I was viewed stronger in other aspects that could help my loan to be approved. Other past due debts other than medical would be looked at and considered for loan approval. For FHA that means no bk's in 2 years, no foreclosures in 3years and clean credit since. Luckily I only had one that was reporting incorrectly as not paid. And now that has been fixed to report correctly. But that is FHA and I realize others may be more stringent. I am only speaking of my experience in the process so far. And I have found out today I am likely preapproved for a FHA mortgage. Nothing is absolute until you sign the papers though. I am just a consumer, that is all and only offered that information in the spirit of comparing knowledge with others like me. But it appears I should have specified FHA. My apologies for that. I don't claim to be a mortgage wiz because I am not. But this is a consumer board to share knowledge and experiences, no? I shouldn't post information I have received unless I am a mortgage wiz? If I was one I wouldn't need knowledge about the loan process would I?
Apparently jshimmer woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Some lenders will want them paid and some will not require them to be paid if they are medical, it just depends.
How many mortgages have YOU had APPROVED while having active, unpaid, past due medical accounts (or any accounts, for that matter) on your credit history?
I had one mortgage approved with an active, but 4-yr-old, collection (that's all I applied for). I didn't get a grade-A interest rate, but I also had other "negative" factors going against me.
Ahh, yes, one of the many fine sub-prime lenders that are now nearing (or in) bankruptcy because their past irresponsible or illegal underwriting practices ... I was referring to conventional mortgages, not the sub-prime predatory market.
So I disputed a couple of items with TU. 2 were deleted (obsolete). 2 came back verified: 1 medical collection and 1 AFNI collection account. The AFNI account originally posted the Original creditor as Cingular, but after disputing it now shows EZ Cash??????? I have never had an account with either one of these!! What should I do next? Can I have this removed for false reporting? I have not sent any validation letters yet to the CA's (AFNI & Medical), as I was hoping to dispute it with the CRA's first. The medical account is very old and will fall off Jan '08, but I would like to clean this up now. Should I DV the Medical and then PFD? Thanks for any advice.
Have you received any collection letters on the account from Afni, or is your only source of information on the alleged debt from your credit report?
Ontrack - I received collection letters a couple of years ago, and stupid me just blew them off as my credit was in shambles anyway, at that time. Looking back, I should have taken a stronger stance, but that is all water under the bridge. I think my next step would be to Validate with AFNI, but they don't need to validate by law, since I have no letter within 30 days to dispute. I am stuck in limbo at this point, but want this removed. What type of letter would you send? I have all the canned letters, but I don't think that will suffice in this situation. What should be next course of action? Thanks for your help!
On conventional, I'm originating loans with automated underwriting. Up to $5000 of collections/chargeoffs can remain open. On my niche products, they look at the past two years and the borrower's "overall willingness to repay".
I've had about a dozen buyers approved with open collections. As a matter of practice, when my clients are in the loan process, or planning to be in the next six months, I tell them not to touch collections until I tell them it's necessary. In most cases it's better to put the money aside for reserves.