Credit reports through 3rd parties

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by BeerGarden, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. BeerGarden

    BeerGarden Member

    Can you still dispute items in writing after pulling your reports from a 3rd party, or must you purchase a report directly through the CRA 1st? Seems like yet another scam by the CRA's. I would like to dispute items with each one individually, but not sure if they will even look at a 3rd party copies with no ID numbers.

    What is the maximum number of disputes you would send at 1 time? Could I dispute 6 items and delete old addresses in 1 letter without being red flagged?
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    In the end, ALL credit reports come out of the CRAs. So, you can dispute using the "3rd party" report. There will be an ID number somewhere on the report. Also, most third party furnishers have a feature to facilitate disputes.

    The only problem you will have is trying to dispute on-line with Exp & Eqfx, as the ID number will not take. You can still dispute via mail or telephone. TU allows disputes on-line without a number.

    As for the disputes, I recommend disputing/updating address information first (before entering tradeline disputes). Await the update of removal of old information, then dispute tradelines. Removing old information gives you better chances of deletions, as it may be harder to verify account information.

    But you can submit multiple disputes in one letter, call or on-line entry. Just make sure you keep it simple and clear.
  3. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    Do you understand you are legally entitled to a free copy of your CR from each of the three CRA's every year? The best way to get it is to use the US Mails and ask them for a free report.

    I do not recommend disputing online. In certain situations it can work, but it can also make the system too easy for the CRA. The more automated your communication with the CRA, the less expensive for them, and the least opportunity for a person to simply delete it rather than dispute it. Online disputes are almost always done with no human intervention, and human intervention at the CRA generally increases the chances of a deletion.
  4. BeerGarden

    BeerGarden Member

    Thanks for the responses. BellaRuss - I have found some old Annual reports that I began to dispute addresses, but I think you may be right in disputing information via mail rather than online. Equifax took my address disputes online, but Experian was another story. They will not allow you to dispute addresses. I tried, but they qall said they were tied to information they received in the past. Can I have these old addresses removed stating concerns for ID theft?
  5. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    You can always dispute; its best to have a current report from the CRA itself, but I've sent disputes even without a report.
  6. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Technically, you are not "disputing" old address information. You are "updating" applicable information. All CRAs allow this, if some rep told you they cannot, ignore it and send a "request" via mail (CMRRR) to the CRA.

    Or, as a lot of us have learned, call back and try with a different rep!
  7. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    Wise advice from a veteran, BizWiz!

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