I have a statement from Capital One indicating that my debt was paid in full in August of 04. (This was a previous charege-off.) The CRAs report this as being paid off in October of 04. 1. Is this enough of a mistake to get the tradeline removed? 2. If so, what is the best strategy? What's the best letter to use and to whom do I send it? The reason I ask is because I'm not sure if I should send Cap One's statement to the CRAs. Then they will have proof of the debt and I'm screwed. Many thanks, in advance.
they might not have reported it to the cra's until october. or internally the pay-off might not have been reflected on the account until october. this is not enough of a mistake to get the tradeline removed.
You can dispute the information you believe to be inaccurate, it wont be removed it will be updated to show 08-04.
You have nothing to lose in disputing the tradeline, but do it in writing, and keep it simple. Just state "account information incorrect and inaccurate, please investigate, and delete if cannot be verified". If it comes back 100% verified, then you can request a re-investigation using your documentation as "additional evidence". Not to be discouraging, but Cap1 is pretty diligent on verifying, so I really doubt it will be removed, and they probably will update to paid in 8/04. But, I recommend still trying.