This is the time to use a credit card; American Idol's Wednesday night show of "Idol Gives Back" is a drive to save children all over the world. Teaming up with, the goal is to save children from disease and hunger, and bring education to those in need, everywhere in the world. Visit to see the needs of these children, and see how you can help. Those on this fourm have felt their share of being down, and felt the pain of struggle and fear. But to see children without food, medicine, orphaned children raising their family would break any heart. Suddenly it puts problems like credit into perspective. For all of us, this is a moment to realize how good we still have it, and how many children have no chance without help. So, please help, with whatever you can, this is a worthwhile campaign, and even $10 will save children lives. "Utilization" was the last thing in my mind when I gave, and it feels good to know you've helped. Remember, you can use credit to do good also! Thanks everyone, and please pardon this departure from the normal threads.
I didn't log on last night as I was too busy with new accounts, and watch Idol at the same time, so I didn't get to post this or I would have. You beat me to it! psstt...go Jordin!
My mouth dropped to the floor and I was about to throw the remote thru the TV and vow never to watch again.
Thanks Tegleg, incredibly they have raised $50 million! The national news featured the show, and how this is the first time a charitable cause has been able to reach the young people, and perhaps change the "selfish" image of today's youth.
Nice post Biz, Told my DW, (she was watching while I was at work) to give through the Business, helps them and gives a small Tax writeoff. win-win, and sadley Biz I think selfish runs from bout 3yrs old to 100. Our society has become so mentally closed at times. (side Note) Collectman has a heart, just always on the defence. kudos CM
I thought the same thing biz. It is unfortunate, but I believe it to be Chris and Lakisha. As to who will go home I will let you know tonite after they sing. Your thoughts?
I have to agree with your "two", it kills me as Lakisha is one of my favorites, I really thought she had a shot at winning it all.
Lakisha is very good, however, I have to agree with the judges, her last 2 songs she has, what it seems, screaming some of the notes, which I know she has a powerful voice, maybe if she took the mic down it would sound better?
Phil - very good Jordin - not good Lakisha - good ...going home Blake - amazing Chris - horrible ...going home Melinda - great
I don't know.......I agree Chris is gone tonight, I hate to say it, but I think Jordin may be on the ropes! But Lakisha is in the danger zone, even after the Kiss Of Simon!
Her performance from last week and since the votes are combined for the 2 weeks, Jordin will be fine. I voted for her last night about 100 times. My fingers hurt!