Deleted personal info returned?? What does this mean?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ktl55, Apr 28, 2007.

  1. ktl55

    ktl55 Well-Known Member

    Last week I disputed a previous address and previous employer on TU, the next days I received an alert from TU with a new credit report showing those things had been deleted. Today I check the mail and it's CR from TU with those things back on my report with this under Special Messages:

    (note: This statement is set to expire in 09/2011)

    Other Message: Input SSN has been used (006) times in the last 30 days on different inquiries
    Input previous address has been used (003) times in last 30 days
    Input Current Address has been used (005) times in last 10 days

    Does this bring my score down? Is this a negative reflection on my credit report? Will anyone see this besides myself?
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    It is re-inserted when a furnisher of information reports it to the credit reporting agencies. The remarks you reference are of no consequence to your scores.
  3. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    If your goal is deletion of derogatory tl's from your TU report, then you have done one of the most important things you can do: remove old addresses which are frequently used to match and verify derogatory and disputed tl's.

    Once you remove them, however, if a furnisher of information resubmits account information with matching old addresses, the information returns.

    The best method is to dispute and delete the old addresses a second time, and while the addresses are gone, dispute the negative trade line (tl).
  4. ktl55

    ktl55 Well-Known Member

    I have no TL's on my TU report that belong to the previous address. The only negative item I have left on CR is the TL linked to my current address. I didn't dispute my current address. I guess I should still dispute the previous addresses and name again? What about the message? Does anyone see that besides myself and can I get that removed?

  5. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    I am going to guess there is an open and current TL which is reporting every month, but has your old address somewhere on its system. It might not be on their main database, but it is there somewhere.

    That is my guess, and I am sticking with it!
  6. ktl55

    ktl55 Well-Known Member

    I really don't think that is a possbility. I don't have any more bills that are unpaid...........promise. I have not had an unpaid bill since 2000 and they were all reporting on my different CR, I can guarantee that. In total I had 8 accounts that were negative and all but 1 (being re-investigated, came back still unpaid, I diputed again with PIF letter, copy of cashed check and Bank statement) have been deleted, they were also all paid in full (including the one that is still under investigation). I have paid evey bill I have ever had since then. Nothing has been late or delinquent. As for the new alert, that has been paid and removed from my CR. I took someones advice on here and sent the CMRR to someone's attention at Time Warner, in this case the CEO, they responded by signing my PFD ltr, I mailed the check with the RE, 5 days later it was removed from my credit report. I guess I'm batting a thousand here with the luck I had with the deletion. I guess maybe because all my debt was 5 & 6 years old.

  7. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member


    I don't think I am being clear. What I am saying is that the furnisher is a current, open, and positive trade line. You have trade lines which are positive and report every month, right?

    How many positive trade lines do you have on TU, exactly? Are you sure one of these positive trade lines does not have both an old and a new address for you on their computer system somewhere?
  8. ktl55

    ktl55 Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I did misunderstand. I have 2 positive TL on my TU report. I have 2 positive TL on all my reports. My SL goes back to 1988. It's reporting from the date I started paying which is 2001.What you are saying makes sense to me now, sorry again.
  9. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    OK, I am going to bet one of those two postive accounts has your old address somewhere on one of its databases. They also have your current address in a separate database, or another field within the main database, but it is one of those which keeps reappearing each time you delete it. Deleting it again will last, you guessed it, until that company updates again the next month.

    So finding the real source of the incorrect information and correcting it there is the way to fix it.

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