HOSPITAL ACCOUNT!!! In a State that I don't live in

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Msbigbones, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. Msbigbones

    Msbigbones Well-Known Member

    Senex Partners LLC is reporting that I owe on a hosptial account in a state that I have never lived in. I disputed this with the CRB. Should I send them a letter too? Or wait to see if it comes back as verified? I have not had a new collection account in over a year and this has decreased my score by 24 points. I want this gone ASAP!!! I did a web search on this company and it looks as if they are bad debt buyers:(

    Does anyone have a history with this CB? Any good plan of attack would be helpful.
  2. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

  3. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    YES, always send them a dispute, it's better to send them the dispute before you send the CRA the dispute.
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Since it is not likely your account, and costing you, go down all paths, and be prepared to sue for damages.

    Send a dispute and validation request to the CA, sent CRRR. Include a redacted copy of your CR showing the TL. Indicate in your letter that you have never used this hospital.

    While you are at it, give the hospital a call, and ask them if they are showing any accounts in your name, or under your SSN. It makes it a whole lot easier to call the CA's bluff when you have already looked at their cards.
  5. Msbigbones

    Msbigbones Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all of your input,

    I did call the hospital today and they have no records of an account. So here goes a good fight. I have sent out all of my letters CMRRR. I keep you posted.
  6. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    You can also OPT OUT at (888) 5 OPT OUT, then write a second letter to the CRA if it comes back verified. In the second letter, specifically use the word " reinvestigate " the account.

    If you want to increase your chances of getting an easy deletion, remove all old addresses from your CR first, before you send the second dispute letter.
  7. Msbigbones

    Msbigbones Well-Known Member

    I did OPT OUT about 2 months ago and I have deleted all old addresses. I will however reinvestigate the issue if need be. I'm just distressed because my goal is to buy a home soon and have done so much work on my CR. I have paid everything on time yet I can't seem to move forward. Time was healing some old paid collection acconts and the last thing I needed was a NEW collection account that's not mine. If this item is not gone soon, I think will have to wait another year to apply for mortgage. OH Well.......
  8. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    You won't have to wait another year to apply. Who told you that? Worst case you choose a lender who does uses rapid rescoring and if you can't get it gone before closing you can simply PFD, have the broker do a rapid rescore, and your FICO will look as if the account were not even there.

    The whole point in the account " reappearing " after all this time, probably not even yours, is to get you to do precisely what you are doing: running scared, willing to do anything to get the house, and complying with the collectors' demands with no validation...
  9. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    What credit bureau?

    Since your goal is to purchase a house, if you run into compliance problems in validating this debt, you can start documenting damages.
  10. Msbigbones

    Msbigbones Well-Known Member

    I was told that some lenders want a person out of collections for a year before they would lend to you. It's nice to that's wrong....and I forgot about rapid rescore... but I know the account is not mine and I don't want to do a PFD, so yes they do have a issue at hand and that's me!!! Just lost a little wind earlier sorry..... I'm Back!!!
  11. Msbigbones

    Msbigbones Well-Known Member

    Thanks Ontrack,
    You are right.
  12. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    If your goal is to purchase a house, you want to dispute and request validation, both to get it off now, and to have already sent them a timely validation request (CRRR, of course) should they just remove now and reinsert later as you are closing on your mortgage, if they think they can get payment from you when you are over a barrel.
  13. joeymarine

    joeymarine Active Member

    One thing to also think about...2 out of the 3 CRA's have what is called a "Mortgage Pending" department, I have to lok through my records to see which 2 and I will update this with which ones if I can find it. I succesfully jumped my wife's credit score 65-90 points on 2 reports in 2 weeks, it is possible. All you need to do is fax them documents and you can get things done very quickly. What you have to do though is to first get a preapproval from a lender, and when that inquiry hits (which is almost immediately) you now have a "mortgage Pending". That's the key,

    Good luck!

  14. Msbigbones

    Msbigbones Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure I understand. So are you saying that once the CB looks into your report and see an mortgage pending they try to hit you with a debt because they know that you will pay?
  15. joeymarine

    joeymarine Active Member

    no, no, no, no.....If you need to do repair to your credit, and you pay things down, or need something updated on your report quickly, you can just call up and get their "Mortgage Pending" department and they can get things updated in about 1 day, provided you have the right paperwork.
  16. Msbigbones

    Msbigbones Well-Known Member

    OOOOOH I see, that's good to know.

    Thanks, Joeymarine
  17. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member


    A CRA is taking reasonable measures to ensure accuracy?

    Sounds like they are covering their a$$e$, since with a mortgage pending, the damages can be enough to get an attorney involved.

    Of course they probably just sold the fact that you had that mortgage inquiry to every alleged creditor that asked for it.

    But we can give them the benefit of the doubt.
  18. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Remember, Ms. Johnson's mortgage is why MBNA got sacked for $90,000+ for not being able to conclusively verify that her ex-husband's MBNA card was hers.

    That provides 90,000 reasons to want to rapidly bring mortgage involved CRA reports to a conclusion.
  19. Msbigbones

    Msbigbones Well-Known Member

    Thanks Jam,
    I will keep that in mind. I am still awaiting a validation. I'll keep you posted.
  20. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    CAs and JDBs subscribe to CRA services that inform them when anything moves on the reports of their quarries. They often hold back on placing TLs for debts, especially ones that are older than 7 years, knowing that if the TL appears, your dispute would make it go away.

    Run of the mill inquiries don't interest them, since credit is usually granted on-the-spot and isn't "mission critical" for the targeted consumer. But mortgage inquiries bespeak the beginning of a delicate and somewhat protracted process ... and often involve the expectations of spouses, and changes in position (such as notifying a landlord that the consumer isn't renewing a lease, putting the "old" residence under contract for sale, etc.) that put the consumer under pressure to get the mortgage ... and get it on time.

    What a wonderful time to drop a re-aged TL on the consumer's reports.

    The services that are being sold describe their benefits as "informing <the creditor> when the debtor's ability to pay improves." See for instance, Experian's "CollectionAvantage" and "CollectScore" products. Other companies like Austin Logistics sell their own datamining solutions.

    The idea is that collections work gets done, and collectors get tasked to calle, etc. only when something is happening the the debtor's life that provides leverage for pressure to pay to be applied...
    Last edited: May 6, 2007

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