Cannot dispute items with Experian

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by TraciLynne, May 9, 2007.

  1. TraciLynne

    TraciLynne Well-Known Member

    I am trying to dispute items on Experian online & on a few items, a message comes up "already been disputed" so it is not allowing me to re-dispute. Has anyone else had this problem and do you know if I send a letter via mail will they dispute it? Thanks!!!
  2. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    They will block you from disputing online something they have already verified according to them. You'll need to do it in writing and state a specific reason that you are disputing it. If you dispute the same account for the same reason, they will mail you a letter back telling you they have already verified it.
  3. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    Not true. All you have to do is use one of the keywords their computer scanners look for in a dispute letter. For the second dispute, use the word " reinvestigate " in a letter sent via US Mail.
  4. barrioobre

    barrioobre Active Member

    In the past, I have disputed via letter after disputing it online. Just last week I had a CA deleted from my husband's credit report. hurrayyy!!!!
  5. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member


    No single 'keyword' will get Experian to dispute an account the same time.

    The best is to prove something which is in error.

    I'll give an example.

    An account was verified by a CA. After a dispute to my (and their) state's AG office, and their local BBB, they 'updated' the dates on the account (to re-age, no less) so that their reporting with EX and TU synced.

    After a written dispute, I got a PI letter...

    My response, was, essentially, "actually, the tradeline which you supposedly verified was dated 00/00/0000; the tradeline that I'm disputing now was dated 00/00/0000." :)

    Hint: if they correctly verified the 'date'; and now they're reporting a new date, ONE of them is wrong. :)
  6. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    It's a violation to refuse to conduct a re-investigation absent using the language of frivilous. If the FCRA had a strict liability standard, this would fit the bill. Amazing no one has rendered some interpretive authority on the matter . . .
  7. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    I must respectfully disagree. It seems your " proof " assumes a human being is reading your letter to the CRA. I don't understand how you think a human being is going to be interpreting the " proof " you are suggesting be included. How are you suggesting the letter is going to get past the computer scanner?

    My belief is that 99% of the written communications we send to the CRA's never sees a human being.

    If you are suggesting your letter be nothing other than a " pre emptive strike " towards an eventual lawsuit, of course, including some proof is relevant and potentially helpful. However, your post seems to imply that a human being is going to read your letter to the CRA, which almost never happens.

  8. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Maybe we should be sending CRA disputes in longhand, so that OCR cannot read it and a human must.

    Or Italic or Old English.
  9. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    That is precisely what some veterans recommend. Why Chat, who used to post on this board, heartily recommends this exact method. Handwritten, which is not readable by a computer scanner, resulting in a true reading by a human being, a code entered for each account, and a much more complete processing of the letter.

    Otherwise, most of them are processed through the scanner, searched for keywords, and then shredded. The electronic and automatic coding happens within the computer, and the standard letter to a CRA is not even touched by a human being before it is shredded and destroyed.
  10. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    If they don't fix it when they first receive it, then submit it thru FTC.
  11. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Have you tried disputing via phone? In several phone calls to Exp, I have found that the reps will enter a dispute no matter what the reason for yoru call. It seems disputing the TL is the only thing they're trained for! I have called Exp several times in the past requesting information or clarification, and often the only response was "I'll enter the dispute for you", even when I did not want them to!

    I would try disputing via phone, and another tip, if the CSR does not enter the dispute, call back and try with another CSR.
  12. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Have you tried disputing via phone? In several phone calls to Exp, I have found that the reps will enter a dispute no matter what the reason for your call. It seems disputing the TL is the only thing they're trained for! I have called Exp several times in the past requesting information or clarification, and often the only response was "I'll enter the dispute for you", even when I did not want them to!

    I would try disputing via phone, and another tip, if the CSR does not enter the dispute, call back and try with another CSR.

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