Should I apply for a CC?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ktl55, May 27, 2007.

  1. ktl55

    ktl55 Well-Known Member

    That pulls TU? Since the TWC was removed I have a completely clean file with them. Although very thin. No negative TL's at all. I have 2 CC (1 as AU), 1 SL. My credit file is 5 years old. My newest account was opened in 2005. My only problem with TU is 13 inq. What are my chances of being approved with these hard inq's? My current fico score is 674.

    4 inq from 2005
    7 ing from 2006
    2 in 2007 - NCO and Cap1
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    As FICO states, "Only apply for credit when you need it". If you do not "need" the card, or unless it is a much better financial deal then your current CC, I cannot recommend applying for another CC. Your file already has a high number of inquiries, and is thin.

    At least let the inquiries age and fall of before you apply, as your score improves, so will the offers!
  3. ktl55

    ktl55 Well-Known Member

    thanks Biz, that's what I wanted to know. I don't need it so I won't apply for it.
  4. pa1205

    pa1205 Well-Known Member

    Watch your mailbox I'm sure the credit card companies will be sending you offers soon:) Remember to read and compare all the offers and choose wisely.
  5. ktl55

    ktl55 Well-Known Member

    I don't understand cause even before I started repairing my credit I was getting credit card offers? What's the difference now?
  6. pa1205

    pa1205 Well-Known Member

    I think you'll see a difference in the type of offers you rec'd prior to the one's you'll start to see in the near future mainly due to your improved scores. JMHO

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