CA asks for SS#

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by SPACECAT, Jun 12, 2007.


    SPACECAT Well-Known Member

    What do you do when you send a Validation letter to a CA and they respond asking for proof of identification like SS#?
  2. cajun1969

    cajun1969 Well-Known Member

    They do not need your social to validate debt and there is nothing in the statute that requires you to give it to them.I would inform them no dice,try again.
  3. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    Think about it...

    They send you a notice saying you owe $X for some account Y.
    You send them a letter saying you that you dispute both $X and account Y.
    They then ask for your identification? Why? (after all they had enough to send you a letter or put it on your credit report).

    Because they are trying to string you along and get more information out of you.

    You disputed, they did not verify. Period. Remind them of that fact and that not providing you with verification is against the law.
  4. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    As "evidence" of your request, only send a copy of any correspondence from the CA. State clearly that you request they validate what information they are using to claim you owe this debt.
  5. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    FDCPA requires THEM to validate, not you - and several courts have held placing requirements or restrictions on a consumer's VOD rights is a FDCPA violation all by itself.

    They want proof of identification? If they didn't think you were the debtor why did they send you a letter demanding money from you?

    My response would be a summons, citing the following cases as precedent:

    Sambor v Omnia Credit Svcs., 183 F Supp 2d. 1234 (D Haw., 2002)
    Whitten v ARS Nat'l Services, 2002 US Dist LEXIS 10828 (N.D. Ill., June 17, 2002)
    Whitten v ARS Nat'l Services, 2002 US Dist LEXIS 9385 (N.D. Ill., May 23, 2002)
    Frey v Satter, Beyer & Spears, 1999 WL 301650 (N.D. Ill., May 3, 1999)

    All these imposed preconditions on the consumer before the collector would Validate the debt. The Collector lost in all of them.

    SPACECAT Well-Known Member

    thanks guys!
  7. credit1

    credit1 Well-Known Member

    Tells me they cannot legitimately validate then, they don't know you from Adam. They want you to help them, and the answer is no way !!!!

    That's their job, not yours.

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