Off to my last two negative TLs on my CRs. They are the worst, and the hardest. I used the FICO score estimator, and if I didnt have these two, my score would be in the mid 700's. Here they are: HSBC TU:Late 120 days EX:Late 150 days EQ:Late 120 day Military Star Card TU:Late 60 days, Late 90 days EX:Late 60 days, Late 90 days EQ:Late 60 days, Late 90 days I've tried disputing them with the CRAs- they come back verified. I was deployed with the Air Force when these both became deliquent, so I wrote letters trying to use that. HSBC gave me a 6% apr, but didnt erase the lates. Military Star said no because I wasnt in Iraq. I still have both of these credit cards, and next month they will be at 0% utilization. Any suggestions on how to get these off? Could I send letters to the CRA's showing that I was deployed(with orders) and ask them to delete the lates?
I used Psych Doc's goodwill letter, and added the fact that I was deployed and stupid when the lates happened. I emailed to the appropriate people. If this doesnt work, i will try finding some middle management type people to CRRR to. Is it worth a shot writing the CRAs explaining my situation with copies of my orders, and see if they delete?
Any action taken is a good thing, now just await the responses. I don't think you'll get anywhere with the CRAs explaining the situation, they are not able to make changes like this. Back to the two accounts, never overlook the obvious. If you have the records (statements, check registers, etc.) review the reported dates and "lates" against when you paid. My guess is that there will be some discrepancies, or "errors". Dispute based upon these inaccuracies. Also, try the "goodwill" phone calls, keep working up the ladder unitl you speak with someone who has the authority to remove/amend these items. I know it is very difficult to speak to a person, and request these things, but the converse is just as true. It is hard for a person to say "no" to a live person asking for understanding. I know I would probably want to help someone in the military if it were me. Good Luck......
There are ALWAYS errors. Look at the details among all 3 CRA's for the same account. I bet they are not identical. I have never been at a loss for something to dispute! Look at every tiny detail. Something is there. I guarantee it.